Wednesday, January 25, 2012

His and Her Shoes

On the left we have my shoes and on the right we have Brian's shoes.

Brian is always complaining about how my shoes are in the way but I can't help it! I have a lot of shoes - shoes for work, shoes for working out, shoes for running. 

Currently only one pair of those shoes is actually for running.

Happy Wednesday!


Lisa said...

Haha! This sounds familiar! ;)

Anonymous said...

Ha! surprisingly, The BF has more shoes than me! But he is much tidier with them. I make 8 pairs look like 30, when they're strewn all over.

justme said...

our home has the opposite, if i took photo it would be his pile that is overflowing and speaking of a pair just last night was delivered via zappos........he buys and not so much

Page said...

This is totally normal. Totally.

Kim said...

Love it and so agree with Page!

Christine said...

Hahahahaha, that is awesome and so true!! Same at my place :)

Marlene said...

Funny, I'm the one always complaining for Mark to move his shoes out of the way!

Allison said...

I think my shoe pile is way worse than this!

Chelsea said...

Ha! That definitely looks like our entry way, too.

Elizabeth said...

That looks so familiar and my husband definitelyngets annoyed by my shoes being everywhere!