Monday, October 8, 2012

First 30 degree morning

Well it appears that the warmer weather has left and the cooler fall temperatures are here.

We had our first FROST advisory last night.  And I was planning on running like usual at 5am this morning.  The outlook for the rest of the week doesn't look much better with few morning temperatures above 42.

I kept adding layers as I got dressed this morning because I knew I would be cold.  I had originally planned to tough it out with just a shirt and a long sleeve but that idea went out the window when I woke up to a cold house.  I put on a light jacket, grabbed my gloves and headlamp and headed out into the cold.

I forgot that it takes longer to warm up when its colder out.  It has been a solid 5 months since I have had to deal with cold and I rather enjoyed the warm summer mornings.  My legs felt sluggish and tired but eventually I woke up enough that I started to enjoy my the run.

Most mornings I see the paper boy out delivering papers and he must think I am so crazy.  Unlike me, the paper boy always takes the same route so I always try to guess where I will see him during my run.  This morning he was quite late (maybe he overslept) and I saw him on a road I didn't expect.  These are the silly games I play in my head while running in the morning half awake.

I avoided all the hills this morning. I just was not in the mood to battle them, it was enough I was battling the cold and the wind.  Most of my usual routes have a least one hill included which makes avoiding them slightly difficult. 

My morning runs have become so routine that often I hardly remember what happened during them just hours later.  Although to be honest, there really isn't much going on at 5am anyway.  Most of the run is spent watching out for cars or watching the ground so I don't step in a pothole.

I finished up the 5 miles I had planned and stepping into the warmer (than outdoors) house never felt so good.  I am not ready for these cold mornings but I think they are here whether I like it or not.


Rena said...

I'm jealous. I love nippy cold air. It's still pretty warm here in Baton Rouge. I love that you're all decked out with your vest and headlamp.

Joanne said...

Transitioning from the summer warm mornings to the frosty fall early hour runs is tough but once you get running, it sure feels a lot better.
Good job on the run. Think warm cozy fires :)

Allison said...

I wore long sleeves for the first time this morning! This is the best time of the year.

RunningJunkie said...

It was 40 degrees here and I had an issue with my legs getting warmed up as well....I loathe the cold.

Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

You're inspiring me to get up earlier to get in some of those brisk morning runs. I really enjoy them when I'm done. It's just that I have to plan for them ahead (ahem, head to bed earlier than 1030). :) I also need a reflective vest.

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

I was so excited when it got cold last week, but then it was also windy and rainy and snowy, my run was not all I thought it was going to be.

Lisa's Yarns said...

The weather has turned colder here as well. It was actually 28 degrees at the start of the marathon here on Sunday. My friends all said it was great racing weather, though. I have forgotten how to dress for these cooler temps and still tend to overdress!!

Kim said...

I had my first 30 degree run this Sunday morning and LOVED it!!! And especially love coming back and taking a hot shower or bath! :) That is the bad part for me - I get cold immediately after I am done so I have to warm up right away.

Anonymous said...

Same thing for me. I tend to run after work, but the weekends are all about that early start. Saturday was a rough go, it was cold and raining.. I woke up this morning, thankful I was running at 3pm and not 5am.. Good job getting out there!!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! Dark and cold? I'm way to scared for running outside with those conditions!