Thursday, September 9, 2010

Three Things Thursday

The pre-race edition!

1. I have been craving spaghetti for the last two weeks!! I can't wait until Saturday night when I can sit down with a big bowl and carbo load!

2. Yesterday may have been my last run before the race. I was feeling super tired last night so I decided to sleep in this morning. If I feel good after work, I may head out for a short 2 miles. Otherwise I am in total rest mode until Sunday which means lots of water and no high heels!

3. Uhh I am going to be running 13 miles on Sunday and the nerves are starting to creep in!!! This will be the first time I have raced a half, and only the second time I have run 13 miles in my life! Stay tuned for tomorrow's post when I share my time goals and race outfit!

Happy Thursday!!


Melanie said...

You'll do great, I'm sure! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

u will do great. u will be fast and u will be fantastic! no worries.
yes, stay off the high heals for a few days. haha

enjoy the pasta and good luck!

Mike Russell said...

Oh come now! Your training has been solid and the adrenaline of the moment will carry you through. You will do fantastic!

Evolving Through Running said...

Enjoy the carbs, and good luck in the race. Turn those nerves into energy.

Jon (was) in Michigan said...

Taper madness. Gotta love it. :)

Remain calm, eat your carbs, focus.

You will be golden. :)

Anonymous said...

you are going to absolutely KILL this race :)

good luck (not that you'll need it). can't wait to read about how fabulous you did!

Katie A. said...

Mmmmm, spaghetti! Enjoy that big bowl girlie!

You're going to do great! Don't give yourself too many time goals, just go out and enjoy the race - everything else is just icing on the cake! Can't wait to hear all about it! ;)

Marlene said...

Wow, this is a big milestone!!! Enjoy the rest... and spaghetti!!!

misszippy said...

You're all set, nerves and all! Enjoy that pasta.

No Longer Using said...

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! i'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eat some beets! supposedly they help w/ oxygenation / endurance :) hey it can't hurt :)


Andrew Opala said...

good luck on the half

Why can't you eat pasta anytime you want?

Molly said...

You are going to do so well, seriously, you've been training hard and I know you can do it!

I'm going to be getting to the start around the same time as you...I'll be wearing my purple camo skirt...I hope the weather holds!!!

gmontalvo13 said...

good luck on your second half! carb loading is half the fun!
you'll do great!

Unknown said...

Ahh you'll do great on the race :-) I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!

Nicole said...

your going to do swell sunday!!!! :) i cant wait to read the report already!! as for outfits! oo ee! cant wait to see that either!!!

did you ever get my blog feed to update in your reader?

Middle Name Marie said...

You have trained. You are ready. You will do AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

You are going to be so great! I can't wait to read your recap :)

Lisa's Yarns said...

You are so ready for this! And since it's your first 1/2, it's an automatic PR. :) Can't wait for the race recap.

Good luck! Will be thinking of you on Sunday!

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Good good luck my friend. the half is a WONDERUFL distance, you will get addicted like the rest of us.. hugs!! Mel

Fruit Fly said...

Carb loading!! It is the best - enjoy it!! And best of luck at your race!

Anonymous said...

You are totally going to do great- enjoy and have fun with it!!!