Last night my running buddy and I had a very long workout on the schedule. We met and warmed up at 5:30pm and did 2.25 miles before meeting with the group. Shortly after 6pm we got our workout started....
10x800m @ 3:25 w/ 3:25 recovery
We finally finished after a 2.75 mile cool down at 8:10pm. A very long workout indeed. That recovery time really made this workout take forever. But we felt great throughout and ran well. Once I headed home, I began thinking about what I was going to have for dinner. The fridge didn't really have much leftovers and I didn't want to spend a lot of time making something new because it would be close to 9pm before I got home and showered.
So I decided on an old favorite that is quick, easy and delicious. Rice, black beans, cheddar cheese and salsa. Yum.
I had the rice in the fridge, already made (thankfully!) and so I just had to open a can of black beans and heat them up with some rice. Half way through, I added the cheese and continued to microwave. Then I added and salsa and devoured it!
This was simple and easy and one of my favorite post run meals. I ate quite a bit and actually didn't feel too full after ward. Perfect!

Thanks to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for another What I Ate Wednesday!!
Hmmm! I LOVE black beans and salsa.
I try to have some rice already made in the refrigerator as well. It takes brown rice 45 minutes to cook. When you are post-run starving, that seems like an eternity!
That is a perfect recovery meal! Way to get it done on the track--that was a tough workout. You must be getting SO strong!
Great workout!
Your dinner looks AMAZING!!
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