Monday, August 27, 2012

Just for the weekend

My workout schedule each week pretty much looks the same - I switch up my running routes from time to time but besides that there isn't much variation in the days I work out and what I do.

This week the schedule kind of got mixed up because Brian and I were dog sitting for a friend.  From Friday to Sunday we had a nice little addition to the house.  She was a chocolate lab and very well behaved.  Since we had the dog, I knew she would need a walk in the morning so I decided a solo long run on Saturday would be the best - that way I could run from the house and then come back and pick up the dog.  Usually on Saturdays I meet up with either my running buddy, the running club or both!

I headed out at my usual Saturday morning long run start time and saw a beautiful sunrise.  I chose a particularly hilly route partially because I wanted to run to some new places I had never run before.  I even passed a horse farm along the way.

Once my 14 miler was done, I was back at the house and picked up the dog for a few more miles.  We headed out and explored a local trail near the house.  I thought we were going to be able to take it easy for the walk, but the dog ended up pulling me along.  She seemed to really enjoy going for walks. 

 My legs did not really want to be fast walking after my hilly run but at least the walk was on a very flat trail. 

I know that Brian and I would love to have a pet in the house but with our busy schedules I would feel horrible leaving the dog alone for so long.  It was nice to have a dog visit for just a weekend.  We were definitely spoiled though because now I will never want a dog that isn't as well behaved as this one!


Kim said...

What a fun guest to have! I have never had a lab (or a dog!) but I think labs are so cute! Too funny that she was pulling YOU along after your run! Does she like to run too?

Chelsea said...

My husband would LOVE to have a chocolate lab (he had one as a kid), but we are in the same situation - gone too much - and also we aren't allowed to have a pet in our apartment. One day, though...

Lisa's Yarns said...

I am glad you had a fun weekend pet sitting! Looks like a beautiful dog!!!

Anonymous said...

Aw, your houseguest looks like such a sweetie! I'm glad you were able to get a taste of dog ownership even if you can't take on the responsibility full time. And, it looks like you got in a great run on Saturday! Sounds like a good weekend.

Marlene said...

Awww sounds fun! And what a sweet dog.

Karen said...

Dogs are great companions for running... but you have to work really hard and long to train them to listen to you, learn "leash manners," and to respect the pace that YOU set. It's worth it in the end, but they don't "come that way." LOL. If you get a dog at some point, I'm sure you will enjoy him/her. :)

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!! Love the sunrise!