As you can see behind me it is DARK out at 5am but none the less I had a great 4 mile run. It even started to snow a little bit mid run! The temperature before I left said 34F degrees!!
4 miles in 32:54 (8:14 pace)
Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!
Getting out at 5 a.m. Nice!
Wow oh wow.. Not sure I will EVER run at 5am in the dark. I am a BIg TALL Chicken..
Love the head lamp..
Yea for you for running in the dark. I am such a chicken so have never done that. But maybe I should stop being a chicken and just do it! Esp since we have such little sunlight these days, so running when it's not dark is tough to pull off..
wow! you're hardcore! love it!
Nothing better than a morning run in the dark. I love those. Now I just need to get my butt up and do them!
yikes you are a LEGIT morning runner, that's for sure. :) I swear you look completely different in every picture I see of you...it's crazy.
Great job getting out there in the morning! I need to get one of those reflective vests too- great idea!
Cool! We haven't got to use our headlamps yet. Hope to very soon!
oh my gosh you are ADORABLE!!! you seriously look like someone famous and i am trying to figure out who! i will get back to you. love the headlamp! is that thing bothersome at all?? and four miles! way to go!
I have that same UA shirt. No lamp though. You win there.
nothing like a nice dark, cold morning run...it's that time of the year...
I enjoy reading your running journey, thanks for sharing.
I got a late start to my run other night and I kicked myself for not having my headlamp; thanks for the reminder.
Nice 4 mile run!!!
nice workout! everyone has headlamps now! :)
ha, sooo you DO wear it properly! ;) Great morning run - way to rock the safe gear (i.e. lamp and vest!) !
Great outfit! I admir your commitment to morning running! I'm going to try tomorrow b/c I won't have time in the evening... I'll try to channel my inner J!
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