It was a snowy run (3.1 miles) this morning which made it slow going but it was beautiful out!! Thank goodness I signed up for the gym yesterday! Not sure how much longer I will be able to run outside every morning!
Jury Duty went well - I sat around for 4 hours and didn't get picked so I am at work today!
I went back to my college last night to watch the Women's basketball team play. They played well and won! As I sat and watched the team play, I realized I didn't really miss playing but I did feel the urge to coach! Maybe there will be coaching in my future...
And finally - November running total = 50.1 miles!
24 days till Christmas! Happy Tuesday!
Yay! One year I remember it snowed on December 1st and it was a Saturday and we were putting our decorations up. It was perfect.
You would make a great coach! :)
First snowy run of the season! How fun.
Jury duty, on the other hand, not so much fun.
ooo i love pretty fresh snow! slushy nasty snow i hate! it looks beautiful but it could hold off a couple more weeks for me!! :)
i was thinking of signing up for a gym membership. where do you go?
coaching sounds fun! i bet youd be a great coach! :)
Oh my goodness! What a way to start the month! We still have yet to get any snow which is quite odd!
Nice job on the total mileage for November! Wahoo!
Ugh I'm not ready to see snow yet! Its cold today here in Boston, feels like December I guess! Good call joining the gym!
The snow is beautiful! I have been spending a lot of time at the gym now too!
let it snow! We had a dusting on the ground this morning too. I love running in snow, but I'm not ready for the COLD yet. Brrrr!
YAY for 50 miles! it must feel great to see some running totals in your calendar!
I don't miss playing either, funny huh?? I thought I wanted to coach, but I am over it now..
24 days and I am ALMOST done with shopping...THANKFULLY!
I am so not ready for the white stuff! Nice job with the morning run!
The snow looks b.e.a.utiful! Outside running will come to a pause sooner or later in PA. Ugh. I will miss it!
Great job getting your 50 miles in this month! Yeah!
Brrr too cold for me =). Hehe!
Ooooh, snow. It's so pretty. We haven't had ANY snow yet this year, and I'm almost sad about it.
ohhhh so pretty! i love LOVE LOVE snow. it's so wonderful. i'm still catching up on blogs from forever ago. but just wanted to say hey, and nice motivation running 3 miles in the snow... serious mad props!
ahh I got to see the first KC snow when I was there last month, kinda glad i'm in florida though!
Brrrr!!! Looks cold! good job getting out there in the snow!
Coaching sounds fun! I always wanted to be a coach!
no way!!! nice timing :) december and everything :)
ooooooooooh! do it! go the coaching route. i wonder if i could handle it. my dad has been a coach my whole life so i grew up with a coach in the fam :) he would talk for hours about drills... lol.
They are calling for now in NJ this week- but I hate winter so I am not all excited about it :(
Coaching is a blast- I coach softball and love it!
Ok I'll admit it... the first snow is always the most beautiful and breathtaking and I maybe, kinda, sorta miss it. But don't tell anyone!!!
Yay for coaching!!!
Aww, so pretty! And congrats on the 50 miles, that's so awesome.
The dreaded treadmill will be calling out to all of us soon...
I want snow so bad :(
A nice Snowy 5k! Send some up my way, but I know its coming anyway
Wow! Snow! We don't see that too often here in Florida, but I'll have 2 weeks in St. Louis over the holidays to try out my cold weather gear. The weather is absolutely beautiful here these days. I just have to get healthy!
EEK! But I guess it is that time. We're due for snow here tomorrow. Kids are excited...me not so much...although it is festive and pretty. Congrats on 50 miles!
Wow - snow! We haven't gotten any yet which is so weird for Minnesota. I like the nice weather we've had, but at the same time it kind of doesn't feel like Christmas is coming without it!
hmmm, can't say i'm really looking forward to the snow. Like it for Christmas day, and ya, that's about it. Good for you getting out there though, and congrats on the 50 miles!
Beautiful! I love those type of snowstorms where you have those great big flakes of snow that gently drift down from the sky. I love the stillness. *That* type of weather I really do miss. It's just he shoveling an the thaw/freeze cycles that I wouldn't.
Thanks for the nice words and thoughts J. The family appreciates your thoughts.
solid running volume for November!
3 miles in Snow?! Nice work! That's gorgeous :) But i have to admit, I'm glad it's not here yet!
Coaching, yah?? I think you'd be great at that!
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