I talked to my roommate last night (as many of you suggested!) and turns out that she is "probably definitely" going to buy a house (her exact words) so I should probably start looking for a roommate. Well that is all I needed to hear and now I am on the hunt for a new roomy. Thanks so much for all the comments - reading them made me feel 110% better!
I did have trouble sleeping last night because I was just unsettled about life changing and so when my alarm went off at 5am I welcomed the morning run! It had snowed last night and there was about an inch on the ground. It was so peaceful and quiet out as I made the first tracks on the sidewalks and side streets! I couldn't have asked for a better way to start my day!
In other random news about my life - I watched the movie Bride Wars last night! Who out there has seen it? Come on - Admit it!! I loved every minute of this chick-flick girly movie especially since I love Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson! And the best part of the movie for me...Anne running and Kate power walking! And there is your Girly Morning Runner moment for the day! Hope everyone has a fabulous Tuesday!!

Glad you got it figured out! What city do you live in I'm looking for a roomie as well!?!?
YES, I loved that movie.
Glad you were able to get an answer from your roommate. Good luck in your search for a new one!
Glad you got to talk things through - it's a scary thing but you may find a really amazing new roommate!
Good luck with your roommate search! I'm sure you'll find someone awesome.
Running after snow has fallen is so nice. Good job getting out there!
I've only seen parts of bride wars. I couldn't make it past the first 15 minutes...
I need a roomie but I am in NJ :(
yup, I watched bride wars! And liked it! Have you seen "He's Just Not That Into You?" I saw it this weekend, so cute!
LOVED Bride Wars! SO good!! Sorry to hear you have to find a new roomie! I hope someone fabulous comes along!
i have not seen this!!! but now i want to :)
glad you got the roomie question resolved, i can't believe she is buying a house!!! hopefully you can find a good roomie. not the right time to movie in with brian? :)
glad the day has started out so well!!!!!!! always a good thing :)
I love that movie!!! I hope that you have a wonderful week and things were resolved with the roommate situation!
Good job talking to her.... now on to ch-ch-changes! Make the most of them! :)
Glad you were able to get an answer. Now you can move forward. Sounds like a great morning.
What a lovely way to start the day.
I love that movie!
And you'll be fine in your search for a new roommate :)
Great work talking with your roommate. It is nice to be able to focus on the real issue -- finding someone that will be a solid roommate. Is there anyone in your running group? At least you can find a running partner that way!
Glad you got everything sorted out with the roommate. Uncertainty is a killer.
I am so glad that you know what your next step is going to be. I love that movie..it was so good.
I love that movie! I love both kate hudson and anne hathaway!!! my favorite part is that picture! TOO CUTE!!
hopefully you will find a new roomie soon! good luck!
great job on the morning run, those are the best!
I am glad you have some resolution with the roomy.
I loved that movie. Sometimes you just need a little "it all works out in the end" movie to make you feel better.
good. now you know.
Well WTH? When was she gonna say something? Nevertheless thanks to you it's all out in the open, hope you find a new/better roomie fast.
And yes, I've seen that movie twice!
Good luck with the roomie search! it can def be stressful, but I'm sure it will work out for the best :)
Glad you were able to work things out with the roommate! Good luck in the search process!
good job about the roommate discussion. Those talks can sometimes be awkward.
and no i have not seen that movie yet. but i am having a girls nite on saturday, and if we are renting movies, i will suggest this one! yay!!
You're one step closer to feeling settled again- yay! Good luck in your search. I know it'll all work out!
Hope you find a roommate soon so you can feel better about your situation all the time!
Good luck with the roommate search - I am glad you asked her! Hopefully you can find a great roomie!
I loved Bride Wars. Such a great movie! I went to it w/ my best friend in the theater and cried at the end. I can't remember what made me cry but it was something about the most significant relationships being the one between you & your girlfriends. And I though the Anne Hathaway story was really great - I think alot of couples are in that same place and get married when they shouldn't.
Glad to hear you are feeling better about the roomie situation!
And to be honest, I haven't seen that movie. THere's a lot that I haven't seen. I might just have to go out and rent it....hmm
I am happy you made some decisions with your roommate so you don't have to be all stressed! Not knowing would stress me out. And finding a new roommate is hard work!
I did watch that movie. I remember thinking it was cute.
I love goofy girlie movies and I LOVE nice quiet morning runs to help put things in perspective.
glad you talked to your roomate, i think that's the only way sometimes to figure things out..just ask
Good luck with the new roomie search!
Glad you are figuring things out! I think you probably should look for a roomie in the running group/running circles near your area! Runners are always such nice people and you can't go wrong with them. Best of luck!
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