When I reached my driveway, I switched shoes and set out again down the road. I felt the same knee and IT band pain after just a few steps and it only intensified as I ran. Sadly I think these new shoes are going to have to be returned to the store.
3.2 miles at 8:08 pace
Today I am off to Blueberry pick with my mom! And tomorrow I am going on a 10 mile run! The cooler temperatures in the morning have been nice (60F) but the humidity is still pretty high!
Have a great weekend! YAY it's Friday!
Sorry to hear about the shoes!! That is not fun!
Aw, that's a bummer. At least you know the problem is the shoe, and not something else.
have a great weekend!
major bummer about the shoes! smart of you to actually return them though. i probably would be stubborn and lazy and keep the shoes. and then end up hurt haha
That really sucks about your shoes.
Have a great weekend and have fun on your 10 miler!
eek. sorry to hear the shoes don't work for you. I think that is so frustrating about running shoes - they can really affect your running but you don't really know how they're going to work (or not) until you get them out on the road.
Have fun blueberry picking and good luck with your run tomorrow!
Too bad about the shoes.
Have fun blueberry picking and good luck with the 10-miler!
Great pace! Sucks about the shoes though
hahaha nice picture. too bad about the shoes. i hate mismatches, esp when you just want them to work.
nice pace and the best part is it is a palindrome. hooray!
Shoot - sorry to hear that the shoes are not working out. it is so tough to find the 'right' pair. I love my Mizunos but I definitely went through a couple of bad pairs before finding them!
aw, that's sad about your new shoes and the leg pain. Have fun on your 10 miler!
that's a very creative way to get the test in... it's definitely true that the wrong shoes can cause issues. glad you figured it out!
Shame about the shoes, but like someone already said at least you know it's the shoes and not your legs :-)
Booo. Sorry the shoes didn't work out. At least you figured that out quickly rather than after they'd messed up your gait or caused an injury or something.
That's a bummer. Oh well, at least you can bring them back, right?
sucks the shoes didn't work out for you but at least you found out sooner than later! have a great weekend!
Ack- that stinks! I hope you find a good pair!
you're smart to switch them out as soon as the pain started up. sucky though. :(
boo! sorry to hear about the shoes!!!! get new ones asap!
I would celebrate about that pace! Sucks that the shoes didn't work. :(
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