We did 2 miles warm up then started into 3x1000m (although the girls I was running with were doing 6x1000m in 3:55). My previous 1000m pace was about 4:04 so I thought I could just hold on for 3 repeats and would make it. Well the first one they went out way too fast and that pretty much killed me for the next two. I ended up running 3:49, 3:57 and 4:05 and then stopped. I continued to run the recovery jog with the girls and then we did 6x100m barefoot strides followed by a 2 mile cool down.
My legs were hating me by the end. I had no idea how much I had run but once I got home and claculated it, I found I had run about 8 miles with the group. That put me at a total of 11.5 miles for Tuesday and 16 miles in two days!! I haven't run that many miles in one day in 2 years! Surprisingly I wasn't sore on Wednesday but my body still feels pretty beat up. It was nice to have a group to run with, but these girls are FAST and they are all training for marathons so they run like 85 miles a week! I want to be involved in the group but I don't want to be pushed/pressured into increasing my miles right now.
2. June Running/Recap:
Miles Run: 98.3 - highest mileage month ever!
Highest Mileage week: 23.5 although this week is shaping up to be higher cause of my intense 16 miles in two days.
Rest days Taken: 8
Current Book: Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane - not to the scary parts yet!
Current Colors: Yellow - there is just something about yellow right now although I do love pink too!
Current Goal: Stay healthy and run 1000 miles in 2010
Current excitement: 4th of July weekend and then Boilermaker!

3. Weekend: 4th of July weekend is coming right up and I can't wait to eat good food, watch fireworks and lay in the sun! Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!
yikes i am having commenting issues. lol. i just tried twice but i think it is going to work this time. third time's the charm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
way to go on your speedwork. that's incredible. all were under your previous 1000 pace so i would call it a major success. even if the first one killed you, you stuck it out for 3 and totaled 8 miles in teh workout and even more for the day. awesome!!!!!!!!! ice those legs down, they deserve it :)
happpppppppppppppy july!!!!!!
way to go on your speedwork and overall high mileage June! Have a happy 4th!
yay for the double -- duh i'd say that haha ;) and congrats on the month of june!
pretty awesome mileage there in 2 days! The fact that you are not sore is great and obviously great conditioning there!
have a great 4th of July weekend!! It's supposed to be a pretty nice weather one!
Great job with the mileage!
I really want to do boilermaker one day! Friends of mine are going up for a bachelor party this year!
Laying in the sun sounds lovely!
Congrats--you won my GU giveaway. Just shoot me an email with your contact info and I'll send it off to you.
Ooooh those are some killer repeats. That time is awesome! Congrats on all your high numbers this week/month :)
Wow, 16 miles in two days, you earned that time in the sun! Have a great weekend!
congrats on your highest mileage month everrrrrr!!!!
i did NOT know that shutter island was a book :( wahhh. i just watched the movie this weekend and LOVED it.
Holy smokes - that is a lot of running for a speed work out! Well done!
And way to go on the monthly mileage. Ours was very close. I believe mine will come in at 97 miles. I didn't start tracking my monthly mileage until recently, but this is def the highest I have ran in a month since peak marathon training of 2006...
I will def be over 100 this month which makes me excited! August is when I will really put in the miles since that is when I am running 38-44 miles/week! :)
I am beyond obsessed w/yellow too now. It's kind of ridiculous how much I'm drawn to it. Great job on some intense mileage!
great month of june girl! your rocking it! you'll get to 1000 in no time! keep up the great work & have a happy 4th of july weekend!
sorry i havent sent the skirt out yet- hopefully i'll have time to make it to the post office next week. work was insane.. i promise soon though!
Wow, that's great mileage! I agree with you that you probably don't want to get pressured to running too much or too much distance but just rocking those speed workouts will definitely improve your 5k time and who wouldn't want a faster 5K time, right?
Have a great weekend!
Way to go on your miles ran!! Such inspriation! I'm just starting out so that number of miles is still just a dream to me ;-) But glad to know I may eventually get there!
congrats on your mileage! you look like you're in great shape to make your 2010 goal!
and yay for doubles! : )
85 miles a week? Why? CRAZY!
Way to rock it out, glad you did not break yourself.
Happy 4th!
Great job on making progress against your goals! Mine so far at the big fail whale....
Hope you had a nice holiday! That's some terrific mileage for June.
Way to go girl!!!
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