I happen to have a gift card for one of the two local running stores so I went in and asked to see their selection of socks. They happen to have two types of compressions socks, neither brands that I had really heard of. After a good 20 minutes of trying to decide which socks to buy, I chose the pair that came in black so I could easily wear them to work!
I really have no idea if these will work or help, but I like to think so and maybe just by thinking they will help, then they actually will! At least they make my legs feel good! Plus the quicker my leg heals, the quicker I can get back to running and racking up those Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge Points!
Speaking of my knee, my physical therapist said that I need to stay off the road for now (or maybe forever). He said that the camber of the road will put more stress on my hamstring and will make the healing process take longer. Well I certainly do not want that, so I am sticking to the elliptical, spin class, and yoga. He really seems to be against road running but I really have no where else to run and I can only take so much treadmilling. Tomorrow I go back for another therapy appointment where I hope he will look at my running stride just to make sure I haven't been favoring one leg.
Happy Tuesday and hope you get out there and enjoy your run - then make sure to post about how awesome your run was so I read about it and live vicariously through you all!
Nice legs! :)
Hopefully once this leg issue is resolved once and for all, you will be able to get back to road running with the appropriate strengthening and stretching.
Are there sidewalks? I find they are much flatter and often run on them when I can.
Hmmm... That's tough to avoid roads permanently... I mean, I know they are hard on our bodies but hopefully once you've healed, you can get back to road running...
Hope the compression socks work for you!
I'm sure you'll get over this and be back running as you were before. Take care!
Hopefully you'll be back in the running shoes and racking up the miles soon.
I know what you mean about the treadmill, but when you live in the NE and want to run through the winter, you get used to it. Zone out and that makes it easier.
Bummer about the knee issues! I love my compression socks...I am excited for you!
The road running ban sucks! I hope you make a speedy recovery, let us know how the compression socks work :-)
I never run on concrete..unless it happens to be part of a race. I always, stick to paved trails and will be moving more towards technical trails for more trail running.
Do you have any paved trails you can run on. Concrete just kills legs!
What type of socks did you get.
I'm sure it was money well spent! Hope it does the trick, and quickly!
I try to run on gravel roads or dirt trails whenever possible. I agree with Indi, cement is the worst, too much impact.
That is a great idea to wear them to work too :) Have a great week!
Nice socks! I broke down and bought a pair at the race expo before my marathon. Now whenever I have any soreness, I put them on, they do their thing, and soreness is gone! I hope they work for you!
i can't wait until i get a pair of real compression socks! and darn it, this post made me remember that i forgot to put my cheapo ones on this morning!
I am buying a pair of CEP's and I cannot wait to have them!!!!
lol i have lime green ones and wear them to work anyway :) i'm always out to impress. you on the other hand look super sleek! look at youuuu!!!!! i like the professionalism :)
happy almost thanksgiving!
Haha yay! They hide so well :)
I have compression shin sleeves but I think my feet would like it if I got some compression socks for them too :)
Yay for the compression socks! Boo for having to stay off the roads. I hope PT helps and you heal quickly.
I love my compression socks! :)
Are you wearing borns???? I just got a pair and i'm seriously in love!
Sorry your PT doesn't have the best of news right now, but hopefully this will get your knee back on the right path (so to speak). Love my compression socks- only have 1 pair, but it would be nice to have 2!
A ban on road running sucks. Especially when there are few alternatives. I hope the compression socks and rest help quickly!
i lurve my compression socks!!
I bet you'll love them! I just picked up some Adidas compression leg sleeves last month and I want to wear them all the time. First race I wore them in ... PR! I give them some of the credit!
I hope the compression socks work for you! I've worn mine to work a time or two ;)
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