Monday, November 29, 2010

One Hour

I hope every had a great weekend or long Thanksgiving weekend! I certainly did! In order to make sure that I could stuff my face with mashed potatoes and pie I made sure to get in some exercise.

Last Wednesday I went to the PT for more ultrasound and strengthening. My knee felt stiff from the spin class the night before. After finishing the PT session, my therapist put me on the treadmill. I ran for a few seconds and felt great, then the knee pain kicked right in. I decided right then and there I would be on a running hiatus until at least December and/or I could cross train on the elliptical without any pain.

Over the next four days I rode the bike in the basement of my parents house and also hit the gym when it was open.

Thursday: 1 hr bike
Friday: 1 hr bike
Saturday: 1 hr elliptical
Sunday: 1 hr elliptical

There was something about completing one hour of exercise whether it be on the bike or elliptical. At times it was boring and I often looked at the clock, but other times I just zoned out or read my book. After completing a WHOLE HOUR of exercise I felt great, energized and ready for the day! Plus seeing how many calories I had burned felt good too!

I think it is the same for running - going out for an hour or hitting the treadmill for an hour just feels good! There is a sense of accomplishment when you know that you have run for an hour. I know that not being able to run for an hour is one of the things I miss the most!

And with the added rest and no pressure to run, my knee is starting to feel better. I have been doing my PT exercises consistently and have found that stretching my quad and working on strengthening my hamstring/glutes muscles brings the most relief.

This morning I didn't quite get up early enough to fit in an hour on the elliptical at the gym and still make it work on time, but I did manage 45 minutes!

Happy Monday!


See.Kate.Run said...

Hello, I just started a running blog too and I stumbled on your blog and it seemed interesting and fun so I added you on my blog roll. I am new to blogging so I hope it is not weird that a totally strange person is replying to your post..

I had tendonitis in my achilles a few years back that seemed to last forever so I know what a total bummer it is to be injured! I'm glad that cross training is still giving you those awesome endorphins! I hope you get healed up soon!


Pining for Pinterest said...

YAY for your knee feeling better :)

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with your 1 hour thing! after an hour it's like christmas bells go off or something :)

misszippy said...

I agree on the one-hour idea. Sorry the knee is still not cooperative-!-but you are doing great staying fit

Lisa's Yarns said...

I haven't ran for an hour for a good month and I miss it. I did an hour run about a month ago and had some knee pain so I figured I better ease up a bit and give my knee a break. So I have been x-traning (well, when I actually get to the gym...) lately, too!

Indi said...

Injuries totally suck! I'm taking a month long break to resolve some of mine and let my body take a break and heal up. Hope its starts to feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

I am on running hiatus as well- at least until I get myself checked out and know that my shins are okay after I beat them up so much this year. Rest is good- one hour workouts are GREAT!

Marlene said...

Sorry to hear about the persistent pain. :(

Good for you putting in so many solid hours of cardio!

The Hungry Runner Girl said...

I feel you with the knee pain. I am cross-training right now and I couldn't agree more with you how good it feels to get in an hour of some form of exercise.
You are my hero for running through the winter especially the fact that you do two-a-days. Get that knee feeling better.

Christine said...

Good job on getting your workouts in, even though your knee is not very cooperative. I'm hope you will feel better soon!

Nicole said...

I tell ya, there isn't much better than a great date with the pavement! <3

Anonymous said...

Eeeek...I'm sending good, no-knee-pain thoughts your way!

Katie A. said...

You are a rockstar! Elyptical for an hour? WOW!
Glad the knee is feeling better! I know mine is from a tight and weak quad. Roll, ice, stretch - my new mantra!
Have a great week!

RunToTheFinish said...

i get in to little mind games like that too. One week suddenly I just needed to do 6 miles a day to feel complete, who knows but it worked for me mentally that week!

Molly said...

I love looking at the numbers on the treadmill after a workout, I agree about it being an accomplishment!

The Hungry Runner Girl said...

Keep the icing, foam rolling and stretching going:) Thanks for the sweet comment, you made my morning:)

Peggy said...

Glad that your knee is starting to feel better! Sometimes a break from running is just what we need to get back at it!

The Hungry Runner Girl said...

We are way too alike. How could I forget people watching!! I love doing that and I read the captions sometimes too!