When I bought this pair at the specialty running store back in the summer, they told me to go up a 1/2 size because my right foot is slightly longer than my left. So now my left foot has to suffer in a bigger pair of shoes because of my right foot! And of course I am currently having left leg pain** - I don't want to blame the shoes but that pretty much is the only big change.
Over the weekend I had a coupon for the sporting goods store so I went and picked up a pair of Brooks (Ghost 3)! Of course I am suspicious of these new shoes and how they will treat my feet, but I think it may be worth a try. I walked around the house in the shoes ALL day Sunday and they felt amazing (but don't all new shoes feel amazing??)

**Even though I am not a PT, I have done tons of research and I think I may have found the answer for my pain. In the picture below, I have circled the area where I feel pain. After googling like crazy, the pain seems to be caused from inflammation of those tendons and/or bursitis.
I guess that means more stretching for me and not much running until it heals up and I don't have any more pain. It is just too bad that when I went to the PT 5 weeks ago, he wasn't able to diagnosis it. Uggg I hate injuries!
injuries are definitely the worst! i need to get to a running store and get fitted for shoes. i have no idea how or why i'm in the ones i'm in! probs price haha
I run in Mizunos and absolutely love them. I tried a couple of other pairs before coming back to Mizunos and haven't looked back. I hope that the Brooks work well for you!!
Injuries suck! Especially when not diagnosed. I hope the continued rest/stretching are getting you better.
Good luck with the new kicks! I'm a Saucony girl.
i am most loyal to nike but i equally like asics and nike for running shoes. i tried brooks and they just didn't feel the way i wanted them to. hopefully these work out for you! finding a great shoe is always such a process :) ongoing :)
too bad you can't get some reward for stretching (other than less pain). maybe you can put a quarter in a jar for every additional stretch you do above and beyond your usual stretches :) incentive!
I am a Brooks girl through and through. I cycled through Asics and Sauconys through high school and college, but when I started running in Brooks I've never looked back.
I love Brooks but I've never worn the Ghost. I have 203948032 pairs of Glycerins lying around.
I am currently contemplating switching teams too. I've been in Nike's for ever. I'll have to take a look at Brooks but I'm leaning towards Asics....We shall see. :)
I just switched from Brooks to Asics. Both are great shoes! I haven't tried those, but trust your feet :)
I am so bummed you are having leg pain!
I just found your blog and I am loving reading it!! Injuries are the worst (I am currently sidelined with a knee injury). Let us know how it goes and good look with the new shoes!
When I first got fitted for my first real pair of running shoes (to fit my feet) I was wearing the Asics. I wore those for a couple years and then ended up with some bad knee issues. Then, I spoke with another runner at a local running store and switched to the Brooks (Trance for Stability) and LOVE them. I tried wearing my sister's Asics Kayanos a couple weeks back for a couple runs, but they didn't work out for me. You might just fall in love with those Brooks!
I was loyal Nike wearer until I was injured and Brooks has stolen my heart ever since. They are the best shoes I have ever worn.
After many years, I tried Brooks for the first time this year. Don't think I'm ever going back!
I am an Asics girl myself. But reading the comments, I may have to try the Brooks. Change can be good sometimes, right? (: Hope your knee feels better.
I am a Brooks girl all the way! I wanted that exact pair you have but they didn't have them and I had no time to wait for a new shipment. I love the pair I have now and I think I will get those next.
I was always a Nike girl until I fell in love with Brooks.
good luck with the new shoes!! its always a little scary to switch :) i was in brooks before and have been in asics for a longgg time now.
I love my asics. I once tried to change and ended up with horrible foot pain. Back to the asics and all was good.
Have you tried acupuncture for the inflammation? It was the only thing that seemed to kick my ITBand inflammation. I still have a lot of work to do (strengthening) but it got me from running .5 miles to 3 without pain.
Good Luck!
hope the brooks is much better for you. Not so happy with my 2150s. =( I should've stayed with Mizuno.
Love your new shoes, they are pretty! I started with Saucony, since they were recommended by the running store. I tried once Mizuno, but they hurt after 1 mile and I went back to my Saucony. They are so comfy, no black or lost toe nails, but I wish they would be prettier :) I hope the new shoe helps with your knee. Good luck!
I've been a devoted Kayano wearer for 2 years now and gone through five pairs but I think when I get new shoes in the new year I'm going to try the 2150's! Aron from Runners Rambles was a hardcore Kayano wearer too and she switched to the 2150's no problem so I'm going to give them a shot. I am just not a fan of the latest Kayano update and they are SO FREAKING EXPENSIVE - $200 a pair!!
I was an Asics girl - I switched between the Nimbus and the Cumulus. But when I went to get a new pair a couple of weeks ago, the people at my running store told me they didn't have any in stock and weren't expecting any until after the new year at the earliest. Something about a low supply.
So I ended up getting a pair of Brooks Ghost 3. And 60 miles or so into them I love them. Comfy. Light. I'm not sure if I'll go back to the Asics.
Hope you like the Brooks!
Injuries= the worst ever!
I switched this summer from Ascics to Brooks and couldn't be happier! I was a little hesitant at first too, but Brooks proved to be an excellent shoe. Enjoy breaking them in!
Interesting how you came to that conclusion about the shoes. I think all too often we don't look at the obvious things that could be going on. Like with me - when the pain in my hips and quads start, I should just go get a new pair of shoes. But I never look at the obvious and start trying to diagnose the pain...
Hope the new shoes work out!
I'm now a Brooks girl, and I've been really happy with them. Hope you like them, and maybe they'll help with your knee!
My dad just purchased the Brooks Ghost shoes and loves them! Granted, he just got into running so has no brand loyalty. I love my adidas supernova glide sneakers. I've had the orginals and the glide 2 and will purchase the glide 3 when I need a new pair :)
I am always looking for new shoes! i swear i just enjoy spending money on running shoes or something because i will try anything!
Good luck w/the new kicks. I have a friend who just started w/the Brooks Ghost about two months ago and LOVES them. Hope they treat you right!
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