Thankfully I was wearing a decent pair and not my "don't wear those in public" sweatpants which are so baggy you could fit a whole other person in them.
Vacation means I wear sweatpants all the time, except when I am running. It is really going to be rough putting on normal clothes next week when I have to go back to work.
Today it was uncommonly warm outside for December! 48 degrees Fahrenheit! It took me forever to figure out what to wear so I wouldn't be too hot! There is still snow on the ground here but I think after today (and tomorrow with predicted temperature of 48F again!) it may be all gone.

And since it is the last day of 2010, I thought I would look back on my resolutions and goals I had set for 2010.
2010 Resolutions:
1. My mom gave me a five year diary for Christmas. Each day has 5 lines that can be filled with short thoughts. I want to write in it each day just like my mom has been doing since before I was born. Last year I tried to do a gratitude journal and I failed but I think this is a more manageable goal for me. COMPLETED! I wrote in my journal everyday! I found that just writing down a few things from each day was very manageable!
2. Be more patient and understanding. Enough said there. Work in Progress. I kind of forgot that I even set this resolution.
2010 Goals:
1. Build up mileage and run 1010 miles in 2010. I have wanted to run 1000 miles in a year for a while now. FAIL. I was on track to do this until I had my knee injury in September. I finished 2010 with 864.1 miles which is the most I have ever run in a year!
2. Make sure I enjoy running and that it doesn't become a chore. COMPLETED! I still love running and can't wait to see what 2011 holds!
How did your 2010 shape up?? Are you excited for 2011?? Anyone staying up until midnight tonight? I am not sure I will make it - I usually fall asleep around 10:30pm!
Happy New Years' Eve!