Sunday, January 9, 2011

Freeze Your Thorns Off 5k

Yesterday I ran a virtual 5k race put on by Adam of I am Boring. When I signed up for this race, I had no idea what kind of weather it would be. Thankfully it wasn't blizzarding, the sun was actually out and the temps were hovering around 20F.

I headed out at around 8:30am, decked out in all my winter gear. The roads were clear and there wasn't much traffic and I just enjoyed being outside. From my driveway I have two options - right or left. Left leads uphill and there are not many options for routes plus it leads to a busy main road. The right is downhill and has a lot more options. I went right and headed downhill and eventually got to some falter areas for most of the run.

After the flat areas I looped around back to my road and the dreaded hill. This hill is almost a mile long, with the worst part being about a half mile which I cannot avoid in order to get home. The picture does not do it justice - it is not a fun hill to run at the end of a run!

Just when you think you are done, you round the curve and see the hill gets steeper! I made it up the hill and was done!

5k in 23:40. Considering the cold and the hill this was not bad at all! Happy to be done and able to get inside to warm up!


The Boring Runner said...

A MILE long hill!?!? In a 5K!? Wow that sucks - a lot. Way to go with the sub 24.

Christine said...

Awesome run!! Congrats on conquering the hill!! :)

Anonymous said...

you look so good in that picture! congrats. and ouch to that hill. ONE MILE?! jeez. you are one tough chica

christina said...

I so wish I could get that stamina for winter running - Im training for my first full marathon and this cold weather is really hurting my training. Anything below 40 degrees and Im a big baby... the wind is just too much!

Audrey said...

nice job on the virtual race! that hill looks horrible, those ones that curve and then keep going are the WORST...such a tease. great 5K!

Jim ... 50after40 said...

Great run! Way to beat the hill!

Lisa said...

Congrats on a great race! Hope you warmed up quickly.

Nicole said...

Nice job lady! :) You ran well in the cold conditions :)

No Longer Using said...

lol- creative race name :) no cacti around you :) way to get out there!!!

Molly said...

snow AND a hill?? nice job : )

The Laminator said...

Wow...way to show those guys up with a snowy, hilly 5K. Amazing! You killed the hill J! So awesome :)

Amy said...

Wow! I always dread hills, but they feel great when you conquer them, don't they! Way to go on the speed in the cold!

Anonymous said...

Very impressive! And snow...lots of snow!

Kim said...

Whoa! Awesome job! And on a hilly course, nonetheless!

Lisa's Yarns said...

Wow, awesome job! That's a great time - esp considering the mile long hill (eeks!).

Tim Wilson said...

Yes, I am behind getting to all my feeds (kinda like Adam always is - except for this post.... you must be his favorite!) but I wanted to still say great job, and great pace! Especially with a mile long hill in the snow!