Rules are to link back to the presenter, share 10 things about yourself that your readers may not know that are true, and then pass it on and notify the people you pass the award on to!!
1. I love to cook and bake. I grew up learning from my mom and my aunt and I really enjoy being able to plan meals. My favorite dish would have to be mac and cheese with salsa which I learned from my college roommate!
2. I went to an all-girls Catholic high school. It was an experience and I loved it! One of the great things about it was that I got to learn the history of my own faith (Catholicism) as well as the history of every other major religion out there.
3. I went to elementary school, high school, college and now work all in the same city. I love to travel but I hope one day I will move from here and be able to live some place else.
4. I didn't get my ears pierced until a month before my high school senior prom. My mom wanted me to wear some sort of earrings and instead of going for clip ons (totally not cool), I got my ears pierced. I still don't wear much jewelry but I try to wear earrings everyday to work now. For graduation, Brian got me this necklace (the letter 'J' from Tiffany and Co!!) and I have been trying to wear it. I have just never been a jewelry girl - I like to keep it simple!

5. I am an only child. I always wanted a brother or a sister when I was young but now I just want to be an aunt. I want to have kids too just not yet. I am not even married. Ok so a few things missing but I want to have the responsibility of spoiling kids but not have my own yet!
6. I like to be organized. I carry around in my purse a bright lime green mini notebook thingie where I write down all my "to do" lists!
7. A few of you may remember my post a while back with pictures of my dog. The pets are all at my parents which include 2 cats and a dog. Sadly a week ago my dog, Kia had to be put to sleep because she had cancer and was getting worse. When she was younger we used to go running together and I miss seeing her perky face when I pull into the driveway at my house. To check out the pictures I posted of her in the winter go here.
8. I love love love to scrapbook (almost as much as I love to read!) I have my whole life pretty much done (except for the last year of college) and my next big project is going to be a scrapbook for my mom!
9. Each of my names (first, middle and last) is exactly six letters each. Like 6 - 6 - 6....kinda of interesting if you're into numbers!
10. And finally, three days after I graduated from high school I had my appendix removed. Not that i really miss it or anything!
Passing along to:
Mel - Tall Mom on the Run
Chocolate Shoestrings
Wow ten things is a lot! Hope you enjoyed reading - I enjoyed writing!! Happy Tuesday!!
Great list with some interesting tidbits!
I'm not a jewelry person either. I even take my wedding and engagement rings off as soon as I get home most of the time.
Sorry to hear about your family dog.
whoa - the name letter thing is kinda fun/crazy :) these lists are hard to come up with, I agree!!
Sorry about your dog :( It's so hard to lose pets.
I always carry a to-do list too! In a little purple notebook. Ha, that thing keeps me sane!
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Love that Tiffany's necklace.
I have been without my appendix for 22 years. Never missed it a day!
That is a very cool necklace! I need to look for one for my daughter - she's into the Tiffany stuff.
Regarding your comment on my blog - I would (unfortunately) be patient and see your doc first (is he a sports medicine specialist?) There's just so much damage that can result from knee injury that it's not worth taking the risk. You are still young. It's okay to take a few weeks off and certainly better to be safe than sorry!
I LOVE being tagged. I am tempted to copy a few of yours, I got my ears pierced at age 29...but I will try to be original..
Thanks buddy!! Will try to get this post up tonight or tomorrow morning..
Cute list! Its fun reading/learning stuff about other bloggers! :)
So sorry to hear about your dog, that is very sad & can be real hard. Do your parents consider gettin a new dog?
I wasnt aloud to get my ears pierced until i was 12. i have no idea why but my dad didnt want me to get them pierced. i'm pretty sure i whined enough he gave in at 11, but i dont remember! :)
thanks for sharing and happy tuesday!
WOW that is a great list!!!!! i'm so impressed with the scrapbooks and THAT IS A GREAT IDEA doing one for your mom! i might have to borrow (steal?! hehe) that idea. i have scrapbooks for several times/events in life, but it tapered off after frosh year at college. man i wish i'd kept it up. i have collages, but nothing so organized as a scrapbook. good for you!!!!!!!!!!
i really enjoyed reading these. oh and total question about mac and cheese: what do you think is teh best cheese to use for this?? and you put salsa right on top? i nteresting! i've never thought to do that. i might have to take a baby step and try it on the side... lol.
Awesome list! 6-6-6....yikes!!!
Wow, I thought I was reading my own list at the beginning there!....all-girl Catholic school...going to school in the same city....and have to-do lists! I also didn't get my ears peirced until two months after high school graduation! Crazy!
I love these lists bc we get to learn a little more about other bloggers. Thanks for sharing! :)
Just discovered your blog (thanks to Tall Mom Mel). It was fun to learn some fun things about you on my first visit!
Great list. I love that letter necklace from Tiffany's. I'm dying for an N, but I have too much jewelry already. :o)
that was fun to read, I am scrapbooking now - I go through times w/ alot of it and times w/none!
ahh these posts are always fun!
I too am an only child and thought I wanted siblings, but really I had a pretty awesome childhood
I have the same necklace from Tiffany's! Be sure to get a silver polish cloth b/c it will tarnish. Love your 10!
That was fun reading your 10 things. THanks for sharing.
chris got me that necklace for our first married christmas with our last name initial :) love it
That necklace is gooorgeous and so simple. What a great gift.
Wow, I started to think I was reading about my self. I LOVE to bake, I hardly ever wear jewelry except for a sports watch, I'm always writing things on a to do list that I always have on me, I also love to scrapbook and am working on finishing my college years, and I don't have an appendix.
LOVE the necklace -- so sweet.
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