Sunday I was able to get in my longest run yet, 5.6 miles at 8:25 min/mile pace. Yesterday I headed out again in the early morning and had an ultra slow run because of snow covered roads and sidewalks. It was good that I went slow so that it was a recovery run from the previous day.
Since Lisa at Lisa Yarns has unveiled her latest knitting, I thought I would share the baby blanket I made for my co-worker and the scarf I crocheted.
And me caught in the act of crocheting!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas! I can't believe 2010 is 3 days away! Next I will be posting my resolutions and running goals for the coming year! Happy Tuesday!
I hear ya on the weather... it may be sunny out here but it's only 20° (and feels like -1° due to strong winds!). So ugh no thanks, winter. As evil as treadmills can be, I'm grateful for them on days like this.
Love your crochet projects! I try to knit when I can. And by that I mean I started a scarf in July 2008 and it's still not done ;)
Wow! Your projects look great! I love that scarf. I really want to learn to crochet! My grandma is a master at it. What I need to do is plan a weekend to go home and do a little workshop with her. I assume I could pick it up fairly quickly!!
Oh the lovely winter weather. We had quite the storm here over christmas, but nothing too out of the ordinary!
Nice work with the crocheting!
Oooh, you're so crafty!! Did you knit the one in my package?? It feels SO soft, I love it!! :) That's a fun hobby - I started a scarf in college (knitting, not crocheting) and it's still sitting in my room at home...haha...oops?
Loving the same wintry weather here! It was so windy this morning the wind chill was terrible!
I love the crocheting!
WOW! i am impressed!!!!!!!!!! talk about a hobby. was it hard to learn??? great job!!!!!! i love teh blanket! that is one of my favorite colors.
I want to learn! I love the scarf! SO cute!!!
Nice work on the blanket and scarf and the run. I hope some better running weather is on the way!
Your scarf and blanket look awesome. You've got skills! I'm not so symmetrical and even with my crochet experiences, thus far. Maybe one day. Sigh.
You are so multi-talented! The blanket and scarf look very pretty and warm! 11 degrees? Seriously? Yikes! Have a happy new year!
That's some great handiwork J! Impressive!
I'm in Chicago tonight and tomorrow. It's like 13 degrees outside. I bow to you for putting up with this type of cold!
Adorable pic of you crocheting!
I love the scarf! I have always wanted to learn how to do crocheting, but I have never had the chance to learn :-(
So we are kindred spirits in the form of college athletics leading into running!! I'll be waiting to see your goals for this year!
Wow, nice work on the baby blanket and scarf! I don't have the first clue about what to do with knitting needles.
Sounds like we had similar weather yesterday.... it was miserable!
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