1. I made it outside yesterday afternoon for a run. I haven't really done any "tempo" running and I really don't know what my "tempo" is right now but I wanted to try. I ran a little too fast and by the end my hip flexor was aching really bad.
4.5 miles/34:14/7:29 pace
Tomorrow I am going to attempt another treadmill interval workout...any suggestions??
2. Where have all the good books gone??! I spent an hour and a half at the library last Sunday and every single book that I wanted was checked out!
3. Lisa at Early Morning Run and Aron at runner's rambles tagged me to list 10 things that make me happy and tag 10 people!
4.5 miles/34:14/7:29 pace
Tomorrow I am going to attempt another treadmill interval workout...any suggestions??
2. Where have all the good books gone??! I spent an hour and a half at the library last Sunday and every single book that I wanted was checked out!
3. Lisa at Early Morning Run and Aron at runner's rambles tagged me to list 10 things that make me happy and tag 10 people!
#10 - A beautiful sunset
#9 - Chocolate cake or basically any desserts!
#8 - Playing college basketball (I know its in the past but it still brings a smile to my face to think that I actually played)

#7 - Spring Tulips!
#6 - My cat, Itsy, who we had to put to sleep after having her for 18 years back in October
#5 - My best friends from college who I played basketball with
#5 - Running with my best friend from high school!
#4 - Running track! I just love running intervals!
#3 and #2 - Brian. I have known him for 4 years, dating him for 2 years and he is absolutely amazing!
#1 - My family!

There is so much more that makes me happy, especially blogging!
Now I tag these 10 people:
1. Anna Banana
2. Marlene
3. Molly
4. Amber
5. Lacey
6. Morgan
7. Run Kera Run
8. Aneta
9. Lisa
10. Chelsea
Happy Thursday!!
Speeedy tempo run! I used to do an interval workout ( I think? I get the terminology with speed workouts mixed up, ha) that was 2 mi - 1 mi - 2 x 800s - 2 x 400s. I liked it because it switched up the distances but you stil get in a pretty good mileage *and* speed!
I love that you did the list with pictures :) Cute!! Those Tulips are a tease, I can NOT wait for warm weather...
Love the pictures with your list! You two make such a cute couple :-)
I don't know what kind of books you like but I have a friend who just finished "Molokai" and said it was awesome. I also loved "A thousand Splendid Suns" and "Slave" Anyway, great list and pics!! I want some of that cake!
Great list! I'm with you on sunsets, chocolate and tulips! I love the pictures!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! what great photos and i loved your whole list. i totally hear you about family drama around moving in-- my parents went through that with my older sister, although it was def less drama than we thought it would be. i can imagine as an only child it is magnified! kari was the oldest so now a few years later, with me and elliot there is zero drama.
go college BBALL!!!!! :) and go TRACK!!!!!
and GO SPEEDY!!!! sub 7:30s, woo!!!
Love your list and thanks for the TAG! Their are some awesome treadmill works outs on runnersworld.com if you need some for tonight!
I love that you were a college athlete! I was on the dance team in college and I miss it every day!
Mmm, dessert!
How about a ladder workout for your intervals? 200/400/600/800/600/400/200? Keeps things interestig...
Nice job on the tempo run, by the way.
Thanks for the tag!
Great job getting a tempo run done. I hate tempo runs!
Representing our college! That's what I like to see! Great list
Thanks for the tag! That chocolate cake looks DELICIOUS!! Good job getting a speed workout in :)
Nice tempo run girl!!! :) Thanks for sharing 10 things that make you happy! :)
I loved your list with pics!!!! :)
I've seen these all over the place and have been loving getting to know everyone a little bit more. Thanks for the tag girl! I'll work on it for tomorrow!
The pictures are GREAT! You know as much as I LOVED playing college basketball, it no longer reaches my top 10...maybe because I am OLD!
7:29's? That is a fantastic pace, hip flexor and all. Way to keep those legs turning over.
nice job on the tempo run!! love your list and pics too :)
Great job on the tempo run! And love the 10 with pics.
hot dang that was speedy!
Maybe try an interval run with hills instead of speed this time?
Great speedy run!
I like your picture list. Clever idea. You guys look good together.
look at that "follow thru"...VERY NICE!!!!
Great list with the pics! And that chocolate cake? Looks delicious!
Great list with pictures! Wow! Where did you play basketball in college? Sorry about your cat! 18 years is a long time. That must have been hard hard hard!
Thanks for tagging me! I love the use of pictures in your 10 things! So fun to think about the things in life that bring you joy!
I have no idea what pace I should do my tempo runs at either. Actually, my problem is that I seem to have one pace, regardless of whether i run a 5k, 10k, or half marathon. I don't know if that means I am not pushing myself hard enough for those short distances? Who knows. When I start training for my half, I have to start doing sprints and will need to do some 5k/10ks so maybe I will start to bring down my times in those shorter races... we'll see..
So impressed that you were a college athlete!!
LOL- I was at the library yesterday and said the same thing myself! I ended up with nada. great job on your tempo run!
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