Wednesday I went and picked up my new (to me) car! The best part about this car is that is has a manual transmission! And also the all wheel drive for all the snow that we get around here!
I also went to see the physical therapist this week. I spent 2+ hours there and got a whole stretching and strengthening routine for my knee/leg. Diagnosis: Very tight lateral hips, weak glutes and quads which are pulling my knee to the side and therefore inflaming the membrane in the knee which causes the pain.
I guess that just teaches me that I DO need to stretch after my runs even though I always feel like I don't have enough time. The PT said I can gradually add running back in as long as I don't have too much pain but for right now I am sticking with the elliptical and icing the knee like crazy!
Happy Friday to everyone! Have a great weekend and rock those runs!
yay new car! that is WAY exciting. i like it :)
good to hear that the PT was able to help diagnose you. and that it sounds like you have a plan to be pain free!
happy to hear the injury wasn't too serious! Congrats on the new ride!
Glad your knee pain is something which can be helped by stretching. It's a good reminder how important it is, I can be really slack about stretching! Your new car looks really nice btw :-)
nice car! woohooo!!!
and that is pretty much what i was diagnosed with at the physio. good luck with all the strenghtening!
Congrats on the new wheels!!! Cute car!
Glad you have a diagnosis and treatment plan! Good luck!!
sounds like a really productive visit to the PT! Enjoy your new car!!
So glad that the problems are improvable! Also congrats on your new ride..sounds like it'll be an awesome car!
Glad its nothing some stretching and strengthening won't resolve! congrats on the new car!
Love the new car! We have a Subaru and just love it!
Glad you're on the road to recovery! Have a great weekend!
Yea for a new car! I assume it has a/c? (I don't think your last car did?)
I am glad you went to the doctor adn that it can be resolved w/ stretch/strength exercises.
I got the same diagnosis when I had knee problems last year. I know my glutes are still not as strong as they should be so I am hoping to fix that or work on that over the next cuople of months.
LOVE Me new a new car!!! enjoy!
OOOOOOOOOH car! very cool!!! and you drive a stick- impressive lady! :)
goooooooooooo elliptical and ice!!! the MAGIC!! :)
Yay! I love Subarus!
I am happy to hear your PT figured out what is going on with your knee and has a routine to get you back in to running!
congrats on the new to you car. so fun! glad you also found out what the problem is with your knee and how to fix it!
Congrats on the new to you car! And glad to hear you've got a diagnosis and treatment plan to deal with your knee/leg issues.
Love the new car! Glad to hear you are on the mend with your knee.
Congrats on the new car!! Wohooo!! I totally should start stretching too... I just don't enjoy it and find tons of excuses not to do it...
Congrats on your new car! Hooray! I want to learn how to drive stick. It's on my list of things to learn!
I'm glad you have a routine that will put you back on the road to running like you are used to!
Love, love the car!!!
It is good to read you have a plan that will help you so very much for years to come.
Congrats on the new car! I love my Subaru.
Best of luck with those PT exercises and the stretching. I'm not very good at stretching either. Hope you are able to get back to running soon!
hope youre having a great week!
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