Friday, January 14, 2011

5 Days

I did it!! I got my bed out of bed this morning for the 5th day in a row of morning workouts.

It may have helped that I went to bed last night at 9pm because I was so tired from wedding dress shopping yesterday (but that is another story.)

This morning my alarm went off at 4:45am and I almost thought about rolling over and going back to sleep, but I didn't want to miss the workout! I was pretty excited to do this tempo run on the treadmill -

~1.25 miles warm up
5x {3 mins hard at 7:13 pace, 2 mins easy at 8:24 pace}
~0.75 miles cool down
Total = 5 miles

Got to love the treadmill because it makes you run at a certain pace!

Here are three ways to get yourself out of bed in the morning:

1. When your alarm goes off, immediately throw off the covers so that you are cold and don't want to succumb back to sleep in the comfy warm sheets.

2. When your alarm goes off, turn on the light right away. OR if that doesn't work, just try to do something that makes you think so your brain will start working and stop sleeping!

3. If you don't turn your light on immediately but you do throw off the covers, get out of bed and walk blindly to the bathroom (this only works if you REALLY know the pathway through your room and don't leave any obstacles on the floor for you to trip on). Once in the bathroom, turn on the light but don't open your eyes. Slowly open your eyes, squinting at first and adjust to the bright light.

That is how I get out of bed so early in the morning. Some mornings it is tougher than others, but I never regret a workout!

What are your tricks for getting out of bed?
Do you ever get excited for a workout?

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!!


The Hungry Runner Girl said...

LOVE your tricks! I am totally going to use your light trick...brilliant. BEST treadmill workout are hardcore woman! Yay for five days of early workouts this week!!
Getting up is easy for me because when my alarm goes off I have to pee so bad that I couldn't fall back asleep if I wanted ha!
P.S. I still eat ice cream even when I am freezing ha!

No Longer Using said...

you ROCK!!! i was on a streak and the storm killed it wah wahhhh. hehe. alas. i will get back. and i have you to inspire me to! :)

Marci said...

Good work, I ran 5K this morning... trying to get into the habit!

Val said...

Good for you! My trick is to immediately pull out my iphone and read a few running blogs- almost always motivates me to get up! Plus I'm usually starving first thing in the morning, so the thought of food is a powerful motivator!


Anonymous said...

i probably could have gone to bed that early if i wasn't at work last night! lucky duck. for me i need to turn the light on immediately if i have any chance of getting up and out

Joanne said...

The fact that it's Friday is motivation enough to get out of bed - the best, wait...second best day of the week.
Good run!

Lisa's Yarns said...

Well done! 5 days of early mornings like that is impressive! You def earned the right to sleep in tomorrow.

This summer, I ran before work to avoid the hot temps. I would lay out my clothes the night before and tell my training partner when/how far I planned to run. Then in the am, when I was tempted to push snooze, I woudl think of how much I did NOT want to tell my training partner that I bailed on my run. For me, it's all about accountability!

Unknown said...

WTG!! I would find i hard to get up at that time to workout! 5.15 for work is hard enough hehe

Marlene said...

Woohoo!!! Great job, J!!!

I can't tolerate light first thing (plus, hubs is usually still sleeping!) but I do need to jump up with the alarm, throwing off those blankets before I can think about snuggling back into bed.

Molly said...

you're cracking me up, that's a great list of tips! Kudos for getting out in this frigid weather all week!

Aron said...

AWESOME job girl!!! that is NOT easy and you rocked it - woooo! hope you get to sleep in a little this weekend :)

Nicole said...

Way to GO!!!! :) 5 days in a row?!? Looks like this weekend will be full of rest for you!! woot woot!

Wedding dress shopping? Yikes... im going tomorrow... i hope i dont get too tired!

Jamie said...

nice job on the early 5 days! I usually go with #3 when I have to get up early. hate the light first thing.

Unknown said...

Great tips. I will have to try them.. every single one, because I am sure I will need them all.

5 days in a row! woo hoo!

Christine said...

Good job on getting up EVERY morning, very impressive!! It helps me to turn on the light as well, but I still can't get out of bed for a morning workout, I already have a hard time getting up for work! LOL

The Laminator said...

I like your tips. They really do seem to work well. But, ah, um, did you really sleep at 9AM? that's like 19 hours of sleep :)

d.a.r. said...

Way to go!!!

Thankfully, I almost always have to pee--that gets me out of bed and then I am cold and disoriented and usually just go brush my teeth and start moving.

Tim Wilson said...

Congrats on 5 days!

I have been doing the 4:30 - 5:00 am thing for over 4 years now and the keys are getting to bed on time, and getting up when the FIRST alarm goes off.

Great job!

Detroit Runner(Jeff) said...

5am for me for the last 18 months. I just get up when the alarm goes off. Seems easy, right?

Angie said...

Getting up early is so hard!! Thanks for your tips though! I guess you just get used to getting up early. I am really tired to become a morning runner too! Congrats on 5 day of morning runs and an excellent tempo!