This morning I braved the ultra cold temps (8F feels like -3F) and ran 5.6 easy miles at 8:25 pace. I bundled up with 2 pairs of spandex, 2 long sleeve under armour tops, a sweatshirt, hat, gloves, and face mask. The sun was out and I just settled into an easy pace and actually was not cold at all!

Have a great weekend!!
yay for A) not being cold and B) registering :D
yay for A) not being cold and B) registering :D
You look like you just robbed a bank :) Awesome job on getting your miles and AND signing up for the race!Yeah
YAY! I am just about to sign up for the Flower City half, too. Unfortunately since I am not even back to running again it won't be an attempt at a PR, but *hopefully* a celebration of being able to run that far again!!
Great job getting out in the cold - WOW! Glad you were warm.
Nothing better for motivation than registering for a race! Good luck with the training and stay warm!
Signing up for a race is the best motivator!! :) And good for you for getting out there in the below zero temps...you are hardcore!!
You are brave running in these cold temps! Can't wait to read about your training and next half.
I hope you don't run near any banks..you might make them a bit nervous with the mask lol Congrats on signing up for the marathon.
You are a pro at layering!!! Good luck training for your half marathon!
Yay! I am excited about your half!
And good for you for the cold run! I ran yesterday when it was -5 and felt nice and warm :)
Awesome! Once for registering for another marathon, and another "awesome" for surviving the weather!
Congrats on registering! I'm glad I'm not the only one who is prompted to register because of fee increases. And, yeah,I got to stop complaining of coldness here in AZ- you are hardcore!
You're amazing J! How do you sign up for a race when it's 8F outside? Haha =) That's really cool! Half marathon in May sounds fabulous. Best of luck in your training. Hopefully it will be a lot warmer when you start!
It doesn't look like you're not cold! Brrrrr!
Good for you for getting out there is the cold. I took today off, but will be jumping back out tomorrow morning!
wooot for registering!!!!! i love 1/2 marathons!!!!
Wow that is a fast recovery pace especially in that cold weather, yay for registering for your spring HM!
hey hey, congrats for being nominated as one of the "Best Running Blogs 2011" hope to read many more of your fantastic running stories. sending you greetings from Malaysia...
Yay!! Congrats on signing up!!
And ps--it's totally unfair that your legs look that skinny while wearing all of those layers. I tend to look more like the pillsbury dough boy when I run during the winter!
If you keep up your training you are going to be AMAZING :)
Look at you all bundled!!! I am so over the cold, even though I just had a nice break from it. (Actually, that makes it worse!)
Congrats on signing up for the half! YAY!
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