Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is that really how fast I am running?

Tuesday Interval Workout:
1 mi @ Easy
2x 1mi @ Threshold w/ 2 min recovery
4x200m @ Interval w/ 200m recovery
1 mi @ Easy

Seeing this workout on my training plan scared me.  I hadn't run mile repeats since last summer and I was in much better shape.

I thought I would try to push myself because last week I felt good with the paces but not like they were on the verge of impossible.  So I jumped on the treadmill this morning at 5am and started in with an easy mile. 

Mile 1 (7:03 treadmill pace): Not too bad, I think I can actually do this.  
Mile 2: (7:03 treadmill pace): Ok this feels really hard!  I wonder if I am even running ~7 min/mile pace.  This does not feel like 7 min pace.  I know I would have no trouble running this pace outside. 

For me the treadmill is always harder!  I don't understand! I thought it was supposed to be easier to run fast on the treadmill! I always just feel slow and never feel like I can hit the same paces as I do outside!

I finished up the 200m repeats and then settled into the easy cool down mile.  I just wanted to be done.  My legs felt like they were going to fall off and I wanted to walk and just stop running.  But I finished up the workout and lifted a few weights and then stretched.

After much struggle in the locker room, I got my recovery socks on.  My legs are feeling the workout now (tired and achy), which is good because I know that I worked them hard!  This workout just reaffirms the fact that I cannot wait for spring so I can get back on the track!

Is the treadmill easier or harder for you?  Do you really believe you are running that pace that it says you?

Have a great Tuesday!


Nicole said...

I cant decide if the TM is harder or eaiser for me.. maybe if i started running outside, my mojo would come back... the tm isnt exactly cutting it lately...

Unknown said...

I think the Dread Mill is much harder! Good for you for sticking it out. I did my first mile repeats this morning too. UGH...and on an asphalt track in 35 degrees. Yuck!

Anyway, my coach always tells me the treadmill changes your biomechanics and you just run a tad differently. I know for sure I am more tense. For fear of falling and eating it!

But it's better and more convenient sometimes. At least you got it done. yay!

Michelle said...

So far this winter, I've had to do all my speed work on the treadmill. I'm afraid I won't be able to go as fast outside! :) This looks like the week I can try, so we'll see.

Marlene said...

Awesome on the workout! Mile repeats are serious business. They feel like FOREVER sometimes.

I find it really weird on the treadmill. There are times that it seems a lot harder, but other times I feel like it's easier since you just plug in the pace and go - no need to find the pace yourself. KWIM?

Someone actually sent me a link today with a conversion table for treadmill speeds and what it would be equivalent to outside - due to wind/terrain/etc. It's kind of depressing because according to the chart, if I'm running 8.0mph (7:30/mi) at a 0 incline on the treadmill, that's like running 7:49 outside! Not sure if I buy it, but it's kind of neat. Lemme know if you want me to pass it along!

Unknown said...

speed demon! you go, girl!

Aron said...

I think it just depends, most people say its easier on the TM but I know mine is harder. I have actually measured the length of the belt and did a conversion before :) lol. Either way you are getting some speed work in so thats what matters - great job!

Katie said...

The treadmill is SO much harder for me!! I sometimes wonder if my treadmill goes faster than what it says. I don't even attempt mile repeats on my treddy. Outside right now my repeats are like low 6 min. I die after like 1 min at that pace on my mill?!?

I do however think the difficulty of the treadmill has helped me run faster outside. I was on the treadmill for the winter and now that it is warming up my outside runs have been awesome :D

Joanne said...

That was a great workout.
The tread mill takes a lot more mental energy for me - it's SO BORING! But for running, I think I run faster on the mill.

If you google a pace chart for the treadmill, you can get the speed setting, incline setting, etc. to set the treadmill pace for an equivalent outside pace.

Anonymous said...

i feel like running on the treadmill is a lot harder, also. i always feel MUCH slower

Angie said...

I think it easier to run outside than on the treadmill. However, I prefer to run the treadmill because I can just set it a certain pace and I have no choice but to run that fast. Or fall off. :) Great job on your miles!! Nice workout!

Molly said...

I think outside is harder, that's why I now put the mill at a 5% incline, which mimicks the outdoors.

5 Miles Past Empty said...

I find the treadmill is harder too, sometimes. I guess it depends on my mood. Either way you were hauling!! Good work!!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Nice running :) I think treadmill runs are harder, but mainly because they're so much more boring and I'm focused more on every hard second, you know? I think the pace is a little bit deceiving, but as long as you use a little incline it's fairly comparable.

Little Miss Runshine said...

The treadmill can be more difficult for me! I think it is mental! I love running outside! And I always think, am i really running what it says?

Lisa said...

I agree, treadmill is definitely harder. For me, it's partly because I don't really feel in control. That belt is going to move at a quick pace whether I want it to or not! Plus, the stale air and boring atmosphere is pretty annoying.

Great job on your workout!

Anonymous said...

yes. you are running that fast. i found last year when i was doing all my speedwork on the tm that i could go faster than outside. just because there's no wind, hills etc. so i believe that i'm running that pace on the tm, but it's not a "true" pace/effort. i find the tm way easier

Kate said...

I've run the majority of my miles this winter on a treadmill and there is a difference. I much prefer outside and I feel like I run faster when I'm not on a treadmill.

My theory: on the treadmill you set your pace and go. You can't speed up just by applying a little more energy so your 7min/mile is a consistent 7min/mile.
If you were outside you may have a small burst of energy where your actually pick up the pace for a bit without even knowing it, leading to a fast pace over all.
Plus. Outside. What goes up must come down.. there are no downhills on the treadmill... that would be scary.

Kim said...

Awesome workout! I find the treadmill at work easier than the one at home, but prefer outdoors all the way. That being said, I have never done a track workout. Maybe this year?

Anonymous said...

wow great job girl ;) keep it up! you're doing fabulous!

RunToTheFinish said...

i agree that the pace on the treadmill often feels harder and the only reason i like that is it makes me believe i'll be even faster outside!

RoseRunner said...

I agree 1000%. I can go on a 17 mile run at a sub 7:30 pace (according to my garmin) and feel fine. But when I set the treadmill to a 7:30 pace, I struggle to to a full hour.

I always thought it had something to do with leg length...and since my legs are kind of short, the treadmill was wrong...