Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Running in glasses

Something you may not know about me -

I wear contacts.  Daily.  Monthly. Yearly.  Every single day I have worn contacts since I was 11 years old.  I run in my contacts.  I eat in my contacts.  I don't sleep in my contacts.

This week and into next week I can't wear my contacts.  Not even for a little bit, which means that I have to run in my glasses.

Monday morning dawned beautifully with a great sunrise.  I headed out at my usual 5am time for an easy 3 miles.

The temperature was perfect for a morning run - Just above 60F with not too much humidity.

The only bad part was having to deal with my glasses. They fog up when I stop running.  They aren't my current prescription so I can't clearly see far away objects.  I look like a librarian.  They pretty much stay in place while running, but nothing compares to my contacts.  Only a few more days until I am glasses free once again!

Happy Running!


Anonymous said...

i dont wear glasses or contacts, so i have no idea who u feel.
but a question for you: do u ever wear sunglasses for running?

Sarah K said...

I put my contacts in to wear on the treadmill. I hate running in glasses too.

Nicole said...

Personally I think you look cute!

Felice Devine said...

YEah, foggy glasses rot. But, being able to see is good!

Laura said...

I hate running in my glasses but the pollen right now is making my eyes cuckoo so I had to wear them this weekend. Makes ME looks uber dorky.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I wear glasses on every run. I haven't worn contact for years. Even during my ultras I worn my prescrip' sunglasses. I figure with my light sensitivity I would be wearing sunglasses anyway (even if I got my vision fixed). I don't like it since they do fog and move around a little but it's just one of many non-perfect points of being me. ...And I kinda look like a librarian too! But I think it also makes us look smart. ;-)

Marlene said...

Ahahaha, I love your face in that last picture!

Hang in there a few more days!!

Anonymous said...

i know someone who ran a rainy marathon in his glasses! i don't know if it would have been better for him to run blind or fogged up hahah!

RunToTheFinish said...

HA! i have a pair of glasses that I got in college oh ya 10 years old that I keep in the car only for driving at night, they are soooo out of date and 99% of people don't know i have them

Kim said...

Ha ha. I love your silly face!

Are you getting a new prescription or something?

Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

Ugh, I HATE wearing glasses to do any kind of sweating. Contacts all the way. I'm not sure how some people run all the time with glasses with the sweat, fog, rain, etc. Blech.

Anonymous said...

aww! My sunglasses fog up when I run in them and it drives me bonkers!At least this is only temporary for ya :)

Amber said...

I also wear glasses but have contacts in pretty much 24/7. The only thing I don't do is sleep in them. I've never ever ran in my glasses but in high school I had to play hockey in my glasses and it sucks!

My one friend NEVER wears contacts and she ran her first half-marathon last month in her glasses - don't know how she did it!

Val said...

Love the picture:)

justme said...

i am always in my contacts cept late at night and even then my glasses bother me. i can't imagine running in them..

Christine said...

Poor you! I'm the same way, I wear my contacts from the second I wake up until I go to bed. I hope you can wear them soon again!

Jamie said...

Sadly having to run in my glasses would prohibit me from running. Hope you are back to contacts soon!

FYI - we have nearly the same glasses!

Anonymous said...

Fogging is no fun! Especially when you need to see. :) Though I think you look great in them!

Unknown said...

I think the glasses look good! Running in them drives me insane though, constantly pushing them up your nose etc annoying!

Suzy said...

You look good in glasses. I think you are in the majority...I too wear contacts almost all the time.

Lisa's Yarns said...

I like my glasses, but I do not like to run in them since they fog and slide down my nose and are just uncomfortable in general.

I thin you look great in your glasses, though!

Jeri said...

um I'm sorry, you say "I look like a librarian" as if it's a BAD thing. :P Ahem.

I had to sport my glasses during a past eye infection in the dead of summer. Those puppies slid right off my nose from all the sweat. NOT FUN AT ALL.

d.a.r. said...

Are you getting Lasik done??

And yeah...I get the "naughty librarian" comment from my husband all the time when I wear my glasses. Ha!