Training Plan: 2mi E, 4mi T, 5mi E, 3mi T, 2mi E = 16 miles
Actually ran: 2mi E, 3mi T, 2mi E, 3mi T, 2mi E = 12 miles
(Check out this post for info on figuring out paces for runs)
This was the last intense workout before my half marathon on Sunday - it is just a tune up race for the marathon but I am excited to see how it goes.
Post workout last night, I made the best meal ever. We had leftover Skinny Mac and Cheese from Sunday and Tacos from Monday so I combined them for the best recovery meal.
I used a large piece of romaine lettuce and wrapped it around the hard taco shell so in case the shell broke, the taco insides would not fall out. It worked perfectly plus I got some good veggies with my dinner.
Mac 'n Cheese Tacos
1 hard taco shell
1/2 cup ground beef seasoned with taco seasoning
1/2 cup leftover mac and cheese
1/2 tomato, diced
1 piece of romaine lettuce
Heat the hard taco shell in the oven for a few minutes. Remove carefully and then fill with taco meat (I used ground beef but you could use anything). Layer on leftover mac and cheese then top with tomatoes. Place romaine lettuce on bottom of the taco to prevent spillage. Add any extra toppings or condiments as desired. DEVOUR!
This was so good and I have just enough to make one more taco. It looks like Thursdays post run recovery meal may be very similar!
Thanks to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for What I ate Wednesday!!

That is one killer workout!!
Love the recovery meal - that's sucha great idea and looks tasty.
wrapping the lettuce around the shell is genius!
And YES we must try to meet up at the Boilermaker this year! : )
That is so up my alley! Great recovery food :)
Is your marathon this Sunday already??
That looks delish!!
awesome workout! and awesome tacos :)
good luck with your race on sunday!
Nice work on the workout! I hope your race goes well this weekend - will be fun to see how you will do given how hard you've been training!
That looks DELISH!
Mmmmmmmmmhhhhhhh - looks yummy!! Good luck this weekend!
I love your lettuce idea! We also need forks when we have tacos because the fillings always fall out!
I will have to try the mac and cheese on top sometime.
Good luck at the half this weekend!
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