This morning I woke up and went to practice at 9am. We did a mile warm up and then stretching and drills. It was barely 40 degrees out and I had on my under armour and pants and a sweatshirt - I was totally bundled and I stayed warm. We then played this silly game. There were 6 girls at practice and so we had to run around the track and the last person after each lap was "out" and we continued until one girl won. It wasn't intense at all until the end when Abby and I were the only girls left. I had waited for her when I was winning with just two laps to go because I knew she would push me. She ended up beating me by one step but it was ok, a good workout. We then cooled down and went and lifted lower body.
I then left and drove to meet Winkly - we ran about 5.2 miles together and she was having some knee problems. I don't know what to tell her - it hurts on the outside of her knee - Anyone know how to get rid of it or what it is?? It was a slow run but at least we got out there.
We talked a lot while running which was nice because we got caught up on each others lives - we are now planning on moving in together after I graduate. I am really excited because she and I are very similar plus my running buddy will be living with me!!
Anyway, I am off to surprise B-rabbit and visit him!! He is doing ok - in a little pain. Enjoy the weekend. I finally have a day off tomorrow. I calculated it - I have about 50 hours of no running so I can get some rest!!

Well those are some weird comments :-)
It could be an ITB issue. A tight ITB can pull the knee, so the pain is on the outside of the knee.
Enjoy your rest!
I'm glad to hear that your interviews went well!! And also happy to hear that B-Rabbit is doing oK! :-)
Ooohhh that actually sounds like a fun game. It's always cool when you can make workouts more fun ;-)
Sounds like an interesting workout! Enjoy the time of not running and rest!
That sounds like the coolest game ever. Wished I was on a running team :(
sounds like a great workout!!
could be her it band... thats exactly where mine hurts (outside of the knee)... foam roller works the best! i did a post on it when mine first started hurting and there are a TON of comments on what to do if you want to check those out too.
Sounds like a good training game. I also like running with a good buddy where you get so lost in conversation that you forget how many miles you ran. Have a good rest day.
That's a cool workout idea. You did that and then lifted lower body? Nice!
I like the Shel Silverstein quote you posted!
I left something for you on my blog (read "Hangovers and Smile Awards") ;-D
i actually just looked up knee problems on runners world because my knee hurts. and i am going to agree with the ITB guess.,7156,s6-241-290-291-6899-0,00.html?toolName=What%20Hurts?
Oh no...two runners living together? That sounds like trouble!
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