Yesterday Lacey posted about matching outfits and feeling self conscious! Well I usually don't even look in the mirror before I head out for a run because I don't want to see what I actually look like.
Important things to notice in the picture:
1. Yes that is my bathroom.
2. I am wearing a reflective vest - I wear this pretty much every time I run so that cars can see me.
3. I honestly hate my hips - I hate how they stick out and I especially hate how they look in spandex. I have always had wide hips and no matter how much running I do, I can't seem to lose the little stuff on the sides there.

Previously I also posted what I looked like before a morning run so you can check that out too!
And that is my Embarrassing Photo Friday! Hope everyone has a great day and good weekend!!
that is so not an embarrassig photo! When I'm all geared up for a run, I don't feel like I look like myself with my hair all pulled back and big sunglasses on!
I LOVE IT! i actually think you look really cute :) you are warm enough in that????? but you should def come out with me in that outfit and i will wear my bright yellow top over blue sweatshirt and we will blind everyone we pass :) oh yeah we will be runnign so fast they won't know what hit them ;)
Safety over fashion! Actually that's not a bad picture. And I'm pretty sure you're the only that notices your hips- I think you look fantastic!! Hope you have great run!
Girl...what hips? You look cute! :) Nothing to be bashful about here!
For real??? You look CUTE!
LMAO! I love it! And girl your hips are fine, they look just like mine and I'm sure I'm probably shorter than you! LOL! Have a great weekend!
Aw, I think you look cute too!
I need to get one of those vests... I have a bad habit of running in all black in the dark.
Happy Weekend!
Wish I looked as 'embarassing' as you! You need a headlamp like I had on last night. I felt very nerdy.
I think you look great!! Have a wonderful weekend..
I think we are all much more critical of ourselves than others are. I see nothing wrong with that picture of you. Hippy? I don't think so.
I wish I would have known that it was Photo Friday, I would have posted a pic of my getup today.
Lacey's post was a rather good one, don't you think?
Love the pic! You definitely should NOT be embarassed by this at all! Good for you, for wearing a vest! I don't, but probably should sometimes. I've heard of too many accidents.
Hope it was a great run!
That is not a bad photo! I know all about hips too :-( No matter what I do, those things are there to stay for me. I hope you have a great weekend!
I love the photo!! ha ha. :) Hope you have a great weekend and don't worry about your hips, I can't even tell! DUH
Love the vest! It may look funny, but i think it's such a smart idea. And please don't think I'm a creeper, but when I first saw this photo, my initial reaction was "wow, I am super jealous of her hips". I think they look good!
You look great. Nothing to be embarrassed about--your eyes are open and you are smiling. I'm usually half asleep stumbling out the door.
I will admit the vest is kind of funny! But all that talk about your hips they don't look wide at all you look pretty fabulous to me!!
Girl what hips?!? I can so show you hips ;) You are so good wearing a vest. Not sure I would be that good!
Embarrassing photo Friday-I love it!! You look great! I'm wondering if there are many women out there who love the look of their hips in spandex!! Certainly not me!!
Today my coworker came in from running to the store doing a long run...He looked ridiculous!! He had gloves then socks over the gloves bc he thinks buying gloves is a waste of money, a bright orange brooks top, and this thing that looked like an old time football helmet, except it was a different material, to keep his head warm. I LOLED big time...
it's a DARLING pic!!
That's a great picture.
And hips are supposed to "stick out." Yours are fine!
don't be silly - girls are supposed to have hips! think of how you'd look without them! dude-like.
its not a bad picture. its actually kinda cute!!! and u r a runner, and running isnt the sexiest sport. But you look good and warm and comfortable.
plus, nothing wrong with your hips. you are a woman. u r supposed to have hips!!!
I think you look super cute! Hips, lady I am right there with you. Even when I was playing soccer, and lifting I still had them. No matter what I do they won't leave. Ah, you gotta love what was given to you:)
Aww, you look adorable. Like a totally legit runner!
This is my first time visiting your blog! I love the high heel shoes:) Very cute running outfit you have and you look super skinny to me! I can't wait to read more of your future posts:)
Don't worry. With that vest on, no one is looking at your hips :). I have a running outfit that my husband calls my "from the future" clothes. I should have him take a picture sometime...
I'll be honest. I noticed the reflective vest before your hips...and I didn't notice your hips until you said anything. That bodes well fro you not being hit while you're running :P. So you just be happy with your hips and keep on runnin'.
Actually with the yellow shirt and the reflective vest, you look like a member of my Ragnar Relay team - Twisted Blister.
Your hips are FINE!!! They are only wide in your head. The photo even shows that they are narrower than your shoulders. So, not wide at all!
Have a good weekend :-)
You look great!!!
I love the photo! You look SO cute!!!
This is totally random, but everytime i come to your site, i get a virus on my computer. I dont know what the deal is- so weird. Its happened twice, on two different computers.
I love that you have a vest on! Safety first! And I don't think your hips look wide at all ;)
You look great!
Umm, what hips? I think you look cute - and hardcore in the vest! :)
J - just looking at the picture makes me shiver. Brrrr!! And like he others have said - don't be so critcal! What hips?
I think you look great. Ummm...youre a WOMAN youre supposed to have hips :) And high five to wearing a reflective vest!
Smart girl for wearing a reflective vest!
You are such a beautiful girl...when you look at this picture in 20 or 30 years, you will wonder what you meant by hips and you won't understand what was embarassing about it :)
There is nothing wrong with your outfit. The pavement doesn't care.
And your hips are just fine!
All of my photos that I take of myself are also taken in my bathroom!
I think your hips just great - but I know how it is to totally notice something like that about yourself!
And good for you for wearing a reflective vest!!
You don't look that bad at all. I had a pic a couple weeks ago where my boyfriend said I looked like a Cindy Laufer reject. I was pretty bad but had a great run so it didn't really matter.
Nothing wrong with you picture, hips, or outfit at all!!! :)
Really you dont like your hips? You gotta work on that. I think that's a nice feature of being "womanly". That curve along with a few others are the ticket to hotness. ;)
Your hips are definitely smaller than mine! It is annoying that some things won't ever change no matter what we do though.
I think the yellow and orange is cute. I can't believe you don't have a jacket on though for 30 degree temps. I'm a cold weather wuss though!
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