Friday, March 2, 2012

Pacing your long run

This weekend, similar to many others, I have a long run to complete Saturday morning!  The run tomorrow will be the longest I have ever run at one time and I excited but nervous.  Thanks to good friends, I wont be alone for the 18 hilly miles.
 The question has crossed my mind this week about what kind of pace I should be running for my long runs.  Of course I have referred to the VDOT and McMillian calculators but while searching this week I came across a fun chart from Dailymile.

This chart is actually pretty accurate compared to the pacing calculators.  Its just more fun to look at the chart!

This will be my first time running 18 miles so I should run it at my easy pace (8:50 min/mile) + :30-:45 seconds.  

Are you running a long run this weekend?  How far and what's your pace?

Have a great Friday!


misszippy said...

I've got 20 on tap for tomorrow (in the rain!) and we'll probably be around an 8:45 to 9:00 pace. Marathon pace is usually 8:00 for me, so taking that and adding to it for the pace.

Have a great one!

gfmedia said...

That puts you right around my 9:10-9:20 pace! The right pace is important:)

Jamie said...

Good luck this weekend, you've got this!

We are doing an 11 miler on Sunday, never technically done that distance but we have done 2 10 milers and a half marathon. I will probably try to keep it around 9:30 pace.

Nicole Orriëns said...

Sunday is my day for long runs, because hubby can take care of the kids. However my long run is 'only' 12 miles.

Mom's Home Run

Marlene said...

That chart is neat! Makes sense, too. Have a great long run + weekend!!

Brittany said...

No long run for me this weekend, thank goodness ;) I have a crazy work schedule this weekend. I hope you have a wonderful run though!

Allison said...

Good luck with your first 18! To me anytime you get to 16 or more it's a true LONG run. :)

I'm planning on 12-13 with a start slow finish fast plan (in thirds). I don't really have a current goal pace right now, so it makes it a little harder to figure out how to pace long runs.

Suzy said...

That chart is awesome!! Have a great 18 miler this weekend. I love 10 milers, but haven't done one since my marathon in Oct. :(

Unknown said...

Hahahaha, I've got you all "beat", my "long" run is only 5 miles! Starting out, starting out! :)

Kim said...

How was your long run?

My pace is mostly "easy." :)

Rena said...

You are so fast. My easy pace is definitely over 10 min/miles. On another note, you should come down to Ithaca for a half on April 1st! Jaime is doing it.

Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

I probably should focus a bit more on specific pace, but I don't. I hate the conflicting talk about long run pacing...slower/normal pace/goal pace. I'm not sure if I could stand running extra slow for so long though. On average, I probably run about 8:35-9 min pace on long runs. And of course it depends on the terrain and how I'm feeling in general.

Elizabeth said...

Great chart! Fun to look at and accurate too. :-) I hope your run went well. To answer your question, I did 15.5 miles, started at about 9:15 pace, sped it up to sub-8:00 by the end.

Lisa from Lisa's Yarns said...

I am not very intentional about my pace on long runs. That is somethign I need to work on as I know slower long runs are supposed to help your body more efficiently burn fuel...