Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What happens when you're sick

Monday night, Brian and I came down with severe flu symptoms.  I wont give too many details but lets just say it was bad and I haven't been that sick in a long time.
 I started feeling a tiny bit better around 3am Tuesday morning so I drove Brian to the emergency room because he was still vomiting every 30 minutes or so.  We arrived and they checked him in and shortly after that I became ill again so they admitted me and gave me an IV and anti-nausea medicine.  I must say the IV and medicine did help but it wasn't until this morning that I finally felt well enough again.  Brian on the other hand is still in bed. 

Seems like I have the stronger immune system in this family.  But it still stinks to be sick.  We are both very dehydrated but thankfully we are both able to keep fluids and some solid food down now.

So what happens to running when your sick.  Well yesterday it didn't happen and I have to say that bothered me.  While I was in the ER, I was tired and uncomfortable but I was also angry that I was sick.  All I could think about was how I was going to miss my workout.  And along with all these crazy thoughts, there were times I wanted to throw the whole training schedule out the window. 

Dramatic, I know.

Its just when you are sick and feeling your worst, I think your brain plays tricks on you.  You start to feel like you will never get better (Similarly to when you are injured) and that nothing will ever be the same.

This morning things are better, but not 100%.  Seems like this flu/intestinal virus thing has been going around.  Hopefully this is the last we see of it because it really is not fun. 

And hopefully I will be back to running soon.


Michelle said...

Been there...done that. Training is hard mentally when you are sick and/or injured. Hope you guys are on the mend.

Unknown said...

Sounds like gastroenteritis (nausea/vomitting/diarrhea) rather than the flu (cough/fever/body aches/sneezing). Drink lots of fluids and wash your hands a lot (since the virus gets on your hands and then they go to your mouth). Hope you get better soon!

Pining for Pinterest said...

SO glad you are on the mend! Not fun!

Elizabeth said...

That sounds horrible. So sorry you were that sick. Coming from someone who regularly takes two days off of running in a row, it really does not affect your fitness, I promise! Feel better soon!

Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

Oh that sounds terrible! Get better soon, girl!!

Kim said...

You poor thing! That is awful! I hope you guys feel better soon. A few people I know have something similar.

Man, when I am sick I am SO UPSET to miss a workout. Isn't that weird? We runners just can't get our priorities straight!

Jamie said...

I hope you both feel better!

I think that illness went around my department and both of my officemates (husband and wife) had it! Luckily I didn't get it.

Marlene said...

That sounds TERRIBLE! :( Hope you are both feeling back to 100% soon. Don't push it til you're ready. Just call this week a write off and move forward!

Lisa's Yarns said...

Oh wow, that is awful. You poor things! Give yourself time to recover, if you hit it hard too fast, you will likely regress (I know this from experience). You have a great level of fitness/endurance, so I wouldn't worry. But I know the feeling of feeling like you'll never get better. That is how i felt after my sinus surgery. I thought I'd never feel normal again. Luckily 1-1.5 weeks later, I did!

Allison said...

Ugh. It seems like a lot of people have had something like this recently. Hope you are feeling much better soon!

Being Robinson said...

you poor girl, i hope you're feeling 100% soon. it's frustrating to get sick, especially when training. also, happy late birthday! it sounds like a fantastic day, i love that you went to les mis for your day. so awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are both sick -- that's gotta be the worst. I hope you are feeling better and up and running soon. But don't worry too much about missing a few runs, your first priority is get healthy so you can run. Sending you get well vibes!