Monday, April 9, 2012

Sugar Coma

I did two things this weekend - run and eat. Although not at the same time.

Saturday morning, I met up with my Saturday early morning running group for a 16 mile run.  It started out flat and then got super hilly!  I think one of my favorite things about my garmin is that I get to see the elevation charts from all my runs. 

My legs were already beat up from the race Sunday, tempo run Tuesday, and marathon paced run Thursday so this run was pretty tough towards the end.  Thankfully I had a buddy who helped to get me through it.

Post run, the eating began as Brian and I celebrated Easter with my family on Saturday night.  We followed up that feast with an Easter brunch at his family's home on Sunday morning. 

I may have overdosed on the awesome Easter cookies and a whole bag of Starburst jelly beans.


But today is Monday which means a brand new week and a chance to start over on the healthy eating. It's not really going so well since everyone brought in their leftover cake and Easter candy...


Marlene said...

I hear you on the Easter goodies! It was sooo hard to resist this weekend. I stashed a few of my faves for after Boston. ;)

Nice run!

Rena said...

The cookies are so well decorated!

It's nice that you and Brian live close to your parents. My weekend was spent nomming on giant chocolate Easter bunnies.

misszippy said...

Oh those cookies look amazing! I had a few jelly beans from my kids' baskets (black are my faves) but limit myself to that one day and then move on.

Glad you got a nice long one in!

Kim said...

And I love SEEING your elevation charts because you have REAL hills!

Love that you got to do two Easter dinners! Did someone in your fam make those cookies? They are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

You deserved ALL the food after running this elevation profile!! Good job!

Rebecca said...

I know exactly how you feel!! I had big plans to start with a clean slate today... and came home to that yummy chocolate cake. :-( I just threw the rest of it away after eating a huge piece. Marathon training = even less self control. I can use those hills as an excuse to overeat only to a certain extent, LOL!

Christy @ My Dirt Road Anthem: A Runner's Blog said...

I am about ready to throw all the candy away so I can get out of this sugar coma.

Great job on your run, love those cookies.

Allison said...

Wow, those are some big hills!

James said...

That looks like some good food. Those hills look killer!

Lisa said...

Great job on the run Saturday! Sounds like a tough one!

Those cookies look too pretty to eat!

Elizabeth said...

Holy steep hills! After that, you will need all the food you can get!

Lisa's Yarns said...

Those cookies are beautiful! And that fruit salad looks delicious. You definitely earned yourself some sugar, especially with that massive hill from your run!