Monday, April 23, 2012

Where's Spring?

The weather sure has been funky around here.  Last week it was hot out and I was running in shorts and a tank top.  Saturday and Sunday it was cold and rainy so I ran in capris and a rain jacket.  This morning it was snowing and I ran in my full winter gear.  Good thing I didn't pack up all my cold running clothes yet.

When I headed out for my run at 5am, the streets were covered in about an inch of snow and the snow was still coming down hard.  My poor little plants were covered in snow - even my tulips.

Thank goodness I adjusted my schedule this week and planned for only 3 miles because I don't know if could have run more in the cold, snow and wind.  When I got back home, I was covered with thick, wet snow.  It even stuck to my headlamp (and hat) and covered all the trees around the yard.

The snow/rain isn't supposed to let up until tomorrow night so it looks like I will have at least one more rainy run. 

How's the weather in your neighborhood?


Jamie said...

Oh no, your tulips :(

We didn't get that much snow, but we live in the north part of Rochester so that has something to do with it probably.

I'm ready for spring weather to return!

Anonymous said...

It's 90+ here in California!! Send some of your cold weather this way! :)

Lisa's Yarns said...

Wow, that is crazy. Not funny, mother nature! It was actually really nice here today - in the 60s and really sunny. It was pretty cold here last week and we had snow flakes one day, but it melted right away thank God!

Johann said...

Love the photo of your headlamp! That is crazy weather. I'm on the other side of the planet so winter is approaching here. Our winter is dry but we had some cold rain last night. My run this morning was wet and cold...the start of winter running for me. :)

Robin said...

Crazy weather here too! Love your pics though.

Kim said...

I saw that the NE got snow and wondered if I knew anyone who did! Ugh! One last hurrah, I suppose. ;)

It's in the 50s and a bit windy here!

Where do you store your winter stuff in the summer? Do you actually pack it up?

Anonymous said...

Oh no! That's crazy!! It's a little chilly here, but still in the50's during the day. I like 50s-60s perfect running weather!

Marlene said...

Yuck! I am not loving this blast of winter. I'm ready for spring to stick around! Can't believe you went out in that at 5am.

Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

Holy SNOW!!