So I don't know what has come over me this morning but I am in a very weird mood. I woke up grumpy and mad but now that I sit at work I am all sassy and sarcastic! After commenting on
Marcy's morning post about necessary winter apparel, I decided to investigate. I have been wanting to buy under armour underwear since before I ran my half marathon.

Also people have been talking about cutting their hair. I usually always have longer hair, its just easier to maintain. Last year in basketball I had been growing my hair out so it was SUPER long. This is me at the beginning of the season - Now add 2 more inches and that is how long it was at the end of the season! Needless to say I cut it and now its a normal length.

I brought B-Rabbit back to his apartment yesterday - He is doing fine and has some nice cuts on his stomach. It is just funny to be around him - He worries about every little thing and of course I take advantage of it to tease him.
I finished
New Moon By Stephenie Meyer (I thought it was better than the 1st book!) and now I am on to some running books I signed out from the library. Maybe I will even write a review or something for once.
Today I am back to track practices and we will be doing 400 repeats today! We will be doing 6 repeats and I know that I will be extra grumpy and tired afterward!
Ok one question that has been bothering me - what exactly are the standards for BQing and how can you qualify for 2009 and 2010 when its still 2008. I am totally confused and have no idea about any of this all I know is that you have to qualify for Boston!
Great journey! Keep it up!
For a woman of your age you need a 3:40 marathon time to qualify. You also have to run it on a marathon course that's certified or whatever. I highly doubt you will have a prob with this LMAO!
I've gotta get some Under Armour as well. Everyone keeps talking about how great it is . . but I don't have any LMAO! I just stick to Nike stuff
I love those boy shorts, but I have more weight on my lower half which makes boy shorts look good only at certain angles :)
But nonetheless, I have been eyeing those exact ones!
See Marcy's comment for the qualifying time. And also, that will be a 8:23 min mile. I want to BQ too! I'm setting my eyes on 2010.
Yeah, actually if you just go to the Boston Marathon website they have all the info. Hope your track repeats go well! You are going to be ENERGIZED and HAPPY afterwards. ;) Positive thinking. I like underarmour a lot BUT much of their gear seems to be lacking in POCKETS which is a big problem for me.
Ugh boy shorts always give me a wedgie.
Check out the Boston marathon...they outline the requirements. Methinks you will have no problem!
I got some UA items for my birthday this summer and love them all. As everyone has already said, go to the boston maraton home page, they have all the details about how to qualify. You are not going to have a problem at all.
Glad to hear that B-Rabbit is back home and recovering! Yeah, you'll have no problems BQ'ing for Boston!! Why, are you trying to get in next Spring???
I'm droooling at the abs. Yes I am.
Boston - you qualify in 2008 for the next year. The standards up to 34 I think (age) are 3:40. I think its like a 2 year expiration. You run a race now and you can run in 09 or 10. I think it is all on the boston site.
Keep being sassy, and that your workouts go well! Ughh one thing I don't miss! :)
Those are cute! I may have to invest in some as well.
As far as I know everyone's been giving you the correct advice on BQing. Someone at Chicago told me that certain races, based on when they are (say Oct 1) are double qualifiers, meaning you can use your BQ for 2009 and 2010, but I can't find anything certain on that with a quick search.
i have short hair. (not REAL short) sometimes i get in moods where i want it to be long and then i cut it off and love it. short hair is fun and sassy but long hair is easy and fun to play with. i wish i could have the best of both worlds! )
Under armour undies rock. I have the boy shorts and bikinis. They're great for long runs and races.
After Oct. 1, if you qualify before this year's Boston, I believe you qualify for 2009 and 2010.
my hair is so long right now too... i almost chopped it before SFM but finally figured out how to keep it out of my way while running :) we will see how much longer it lasts long.
glad b-rabbit is home!
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