I couldn't be more happy that it is FINALLY Friday! I hopefully will be out of my class/group project mumbo jumbo before noon. My bags are packed, all the gifts are wrapped (and packed), my room is clean and I am ready to go! I am so excited to open presents - I got to open one last night. I exchanged gifts with one of my good friends from school and he got me The Host by Stephanie Meyer (the author of the Twilight series). I look forward to reading it over break along with the huge stack I took out of the library!!
Yesterdays practice was...well it just was. I ran the 55 meter hurdles in 11.08 seconds and then I opted to not compete in the 300m. My hamstring was very sore and I didn't want to make it any worse. There was no need to over do it and injury myself. I am taking today off from all exercise and instead helping out at the high school track meet at my college tonight. I was hoping to see my high school team run but sadly they didn't enter into this meet : (
Drive safe for all those out there getting hit with the snow (if the weathermen are correct) and Enjoy the season!
oooh exciting! i'm going over now to read your pace setter bit. good call on resting your hamstring!!!! i have to rest my left calf today, weirrrd!!!! after the game last night and when i had gotten home all of a sudden it was so tight i was limping around. we're getting old ;) hehe.
Good job to rest the ham string today.
Have a safe trip!
Congratulations, Weekly Pace Setter. Your interview was great-- esp. the part about raw cookie dough. Yum. Have a fasntastic weekend!
Congratulations on being selected for the weekly pace setter. That's great!
Congrats on being the "Pace setter of the week"! So coool! Enjoyed reading your interview. Hope you get your RW mag for Xmas!
That's fun! Great job on that interview! Have fun @ home, and nice idea to rest up that hammy!
Have a safe trip home, i'm excited to hear holiday updates from you!
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