Just like the Happy Runner I cannot wait for people to post so that I can devour every word. I often get a call from B-Rabbit (the only other person aware of my obsession) and he will ask what I am doing. I will respond that I am just sitting in my apartment. He then promptly replies "No you are not - you are reading blogs again aren't you!" OHH caught again!
And so I would like to share with you my favorite blogs. Most of them are running blogs as that is one of my greatest interests but there are a few others that I enjoy on occasion. I know everybody (especially me) loves to see a link to their blog in other peoples posts.
I have to give all the credit or the blame to Laura and D10 because their blogs were the first ones I read back in July 2008. I was sitting at work and it was kind of a slow time. I had just finished the Boilermaker and was on that great runners high. I continued to read more and more, accumulating the large blog roll that can be seen to the right.
The next blogger I found was Jamie and I read almost all her posts because she was planning her wedding as well as running which I found entertaining and interesting. I also have been following (ok it sounds like I am a stalker for real!) is N.D. at Lil Runner because she is 17 weeks pregnant (i think?) and it has been interesting to see how that is going along with her running. I feel like when i finally get married and have kids this is very similar to how i will react!
Aron's words of advice are always helpful and reassuring and her posts and sassy and spontaneous! Mark Salinas keeps me healthy and always seems to teach me something new with each post. I really like Julianne because she has little easy recipes along with her running stuff.
Recently I have found tfh at Training for a Half and she has been very inspiring as well as helpful and supportive. Her posts are creative and always a joy to read. Also Coffee Betsy with her adorable son - I just love the family stories along with the running tales. Other new favorite blogs included Girl on Top and Life is a Marathon where each girl seems to be getting back into running and trying to improve!
And last but not least of the running blogs, Marcy. Seriously everyone knows her! She always has a million comments and even at 7am when I haven't had any coffee, her posts are able to get a little giggle out of me.
Besides running blogs I do have a few others i keep on the side, stashed away secretly.
Right now I am really enjoying Rocks in my Dryer because of all the great ideas along with Sassy Molassy - I can relate to her because I am very sassy although I think it is hard to tell on blogger. And if you feel in a angry mood head over to passive-aggressive notes! Its very entertaining.
I am trying to get Winkly to start blogging so you may see her blog link up here soon!
Well if you are still reading after all those links - Yes I did go running this morning. Hello 5:20am I haven't seen you in a few weeks. I ran 5.2 miles in and around campus. It was very nice and I think I am healed since I had no pain. Tonight I might go swimming, but really the next order of business will be to plan new races.
great post!!! thanks for the link too :) i will have to check those out! loving this TIART topic... my google reader is growing as i type!
awesome job on the run too!
What a fun post! I felt special! And that you said you might react how I am makes me feel somewhat normal!! :) Haha. I'll be 18 weeks tomorrow, yay! Only 22 to go, right? Oh man!
LMAO at Passive Aggressive notes! Just last night I found that site. That stuff is funny!
Thanks for the linky linky! Wait . . . are you in NY too? Or did you travel from the (from out of state) for the Boilermaker?
I am addicted to running blogs too! My husband laughs at me because I am always reading blogs and/or writing.
Glad to hear you had a pain free run!
Hey there! Yoga definitely helps with stretching. I'm nowhere near as flexible as I'd like because all the running kind of tightens everything back up faster than yoga stretches it out, but I can definitely tell a HUGE difference when I go once a week. It also really helps build my core strength, too. I recommend checking it out!
Thanks for the shout out! I know, reading other runners' posts about their training and races can get addicting.
aw shucks... thanks for the love! ;-)
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