It had rained that night - I of course woke up at 11:30 and thought it was 5am and was like "oh yay its thundering, i can sleep in!" but then a quick look at the clock told me it was not time to get up yet. Since i am going to bed when its dark and waking up before the sun rises, I often get confused about what time it is.
Last night i made salad for dinner with chicken, tomatos, peppers, blackberries, onions, broccoli and lettuce of course. It was quite good and I seem to be on a recipe/cooking streak as I have been collecting new recipes to use when i get back to school and start cooking and buying food on my own.
Since I am on the subject of food - I went to a pig roast on saturday (my first one!) and they had raw and cooked clams. Now I LOVE love love love them! I hadn't had them in forever so i took this chance to have about 2 dozen!! I also had to bring a dish to pass and so that has added to my cooking abilities as I made a family classic - Jello mixed with whipped cream and fruit!
Two other minor notes - I watched the movie The Bucket List a few weeks ago and have decided to make a bucket list of sorts for myself. Its more of a life list, things that i want to do before 25, 30 and beyond. Sometimes i think that after i am dead all people will find are lists of things i want to do or need to do!! Also my company is having a blood drive tomorrow and I was thinking about giving blood. I have never done it before because in high school i always had sports and in college i had basketball. I'm not sure if i should do it though...?? I don't want to faint.
Haha i almost forgot - My running this morning - It went well, i ran slow because of the knee. I should name my knees...maybe later when i have more time! I have found that cars often give me temporary blindness due to their bright lights while running in the dark. I wont get into how much i hate other peoples driving.
Do you still have my list you made at perkins? I'd be curious to see if I've accomplished anything... :)
name your knees :)
my bullmastiff has had 2 acl repairs and we call him GOLDEN KNEES.
does that count?
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