The land is pretty flat here in Florida so I can't really complain. Let me do a quick recap of my latest runs.
Last Friday I did 7 miles...B-rabbit rode his bike along side me for a 3.5 mile out and back. It was really nice to have him there, this is the first time we have ran/biked together and I hope we can do it again. I averaged a 8:15 min/mile pace which I was happy about since the course was mainly flat.
Fast forward to today and my lovely Tuesday Tempo run. If twas 6:45am and I was on the road, the humidity didn't bother me too much and I was enjoying being out there. I think I was going at a good pace but I can't really be sure right now. I am looking at gmaps-pedometer and I can't really tell/I can't really remember where I stopped so I will have to drive the car on my route! Maybe I need a garmin or something similar??!!
Also, I should have done this a while ago, but I got distracted. Heather at Trials of Training gave this Lovely blog award to me and I couldn't be more honored. She is a really great girl and I enjoy reading all her posts.

JerBear Shares - She is just starting to run in the mornings and I really admire her determination! I really enjoy reading about her adventures!
I'd rather Be laughing - This woman really inspires me. She is a mother and a runner and her posts are always insightful!
I wont post any more lovely beach pictures for now...Maybe for Photo Friday!! Happy Tuesday all!
That's a great seven miler! And thanks for introducing me to two new blogs. :)
Wow - you are too kind!!!
It is quite humid here in FL :)
WTG on your 7 miles, great time. I would soooo love a garmin!
You need to get yourself a Garmin!
Great 7-miler. Must have been nice to have the company!
Thaks for some more great blogs to read! Sounds like you are having a great time!
Aww thanks for the sweet award! :) And more importantly thanks for the extra support/advice with the morning running. I can't wait until I'm out of the "transition mode" and can officially call myself a morning runner also! :D
great job on the runs!!! humidity kills me, but glad you are getting used to it and enjoy the beach too :)
hehee i think we both need a garmin!!!! lemme know if you find a good deal :) sounds like you had a great tempo run!!! what matters is feel, right? that is def where i go wrong. i had a TERRIBLE tempo run, i mean i went fast, but too fast so i didn't last the full 20 min straight... bummer. i will improve hopefully.. i'm in training! :) awesome you did 7 miles with a bike buddy!!!!!!!!!!!! sounds amazing :)
I think you should just break done and join the Garmin club.
You def need a Garmin!! it's MORE than worth it :) Great run, either way!! and glad you're having fun in FL.
thank you for your comment yesterday! it's definitely been nice to have a few days off and to spend time with the fam. Me and running? we'll get back together soon enough :)
Sounds like you've had some great runs, but I agree...a Garmin is definitely in order for you!
Yes I have a Garmin...have had one ever since I started running seriously. It's really the only way to train when you're not on a track!
Nice job! I just got my Garmin and REALLY like it so far!
J! your comment made me feel so much better,... i was like YES i can do this it is possible...
well i would like to run the half marathon at a 7:00 pace. my last (and only) half i ran at a 7:09 pace but definitely remember starting out faster and slowing down/having to really push hard to the end.
let me know what you think!!! :) thanks so much :)
Girl, you need a Garmin. It will change your running. :o)
"pretty flat" is an understatement. Where are you? That beach looks deserted. Is the economy really that bad? LOL.
So it is humid there too, huh? It is gross here in PA!! Sometimes it is nice not to know the distance but I always need to know it. How bout map my run or gmap?
Congrats on the blog award...woo hoo!
I think you and I need a Garmin...we're probably the only ones without it!
If you wind up getting a Garmin let me know if you want to help you get a decent discount. I get one through work (Microsoft) and it is pretty significant.
Great job with the runs!
Emily (you can email me@ emilydumphy at Yahoo dot com
Great job on the run. Even though I don't have one yet, I would probably recommend the Garmin too, it seems like the obvious choice for everybody. I still rely on gmaps and established running routes..
Your question about reducing calorie intake is an interesting one. The books say that that is not the case - your body will not slow down. But what happens is that you will become more easily fatigued leading to a reduction in activity level. If that happens without a corresponding reduction in calorie intake, guess what?
I wish I had your will power. Don't eat just becuase I can't log? Pshaw!
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