Friday, January 23, 2009


Yesterday it came to my attention that there happens to be another "J" out there. I was reading comments posted by others and came upon a comment by this other J and was very confused at first because I hadn't posted it!

Now the question is - what do I do?? Is it too confusing with two J's?? Should I change my name??? Ahh the dilemmas of everyday life!

Anyway - tomorrow is my next meet. I have to wake up at 5am because the bus leaves at 6am!! Why we have to go to such far away meets is beyond me! I need my sleep!

Oh and I was thinking - maybe my foot/leg pain has been caused by my shoes? They have a little over 200 miles on them and I bet I could keep running in them if I wasn't running on that hard track everyday. So I am not sure what to do. What if I get new shoes and it doesn't help??

Hope everyone has a good weekend!


Amy said...

Good luck with the meet this weekend!!

Marcy said...

As long as you have 2 different pics I think it's OK. People will be able to tell the difference with the avatars.

Marlene said...

I go by the pics too. Don't sweat it.

Good luck at the meet!

It can't hurt to try new shoes...

No Longer Using said...

what shoes will you try? i need some new ones, too. 5am, whew!! hehe. i think you should just continue being J. there's a little icon of a shoe that goes next to your name when you post most of the time, so that helps.

Jocelyn said...

Maybe I'll Change my name to just "J" too. Lets really through some people for a loop!

tfh said...

I haven't seen the other J's comments so I'm not sure-- but with other people who have the same name, usually I can tell who made the comment just because I'm used to bloggers having different voices when they're writing, y'know?

Good luck w/ the meet! I'm with you about the shoes-- why not try that?

Felice Devine said...

Good luck this weekend!
Stay strong with the J!

Chic Runner said...

I think you should change it to TRACK STAR ha ha, good luck this weekend! :) Just kidding, you are the true J... :)

N.D. said...

Hmm that depends on if you want to be the only one out there?? Good luck tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck this weekend. I would try new shoes, it that doesn't work than you may want to get checked out.

The Laminator said...

New shoes will definitely help. They might not make the pain completely go away (especially if they are not the source of the problem in the first place) but no matter what, they will help.

Nicole said...

I hope your meet goes well today. I agree with Marcy, as long as the pics are different your fine. There are a TON of Nicole's out there :)

Meg said...

Is it someone you want to be mistaken for? :)

Aron said...

good luck with the meet!!!